Labor Day weekend has descended upon us and it has found me entertained in a variety of ways. I suppose it's beyond time that I start introducing the new people who have accompanied me in my goings on in the last several months. They have been key in my recovery, and each of them deserves rightful appreciation because frankly, I couldn't have made it this far without them. The story of my recovery begins with Benjamine. I believe it was a matter of mere days prior to the actual KB/CB split that Craig and I received an email from his cousin Paul in Arizona, introducing us to her via The Net and inviting us to warmly welcome her to New York City. Paul and B worked together on the Super Bowl event that took place at the Cardinals' stadium (which Hunt built.) B decided that to map out her dreams, moving here was the best option (though she even left a love interest behind in AZ.) The KB/CB split happened, and I died inside, and I told Craig,
I've got this. Benjamine is my new friend. We can't share this. He was respectful of that. So I met B at a cute little restaurant on Montague Street in Brooklyn and I fell in instant friend love. B is this girl that just melts your heart - her kindness, sweetness, willingness to listen, caring soul - are all evident within moments of meeting her. And that first night, I made no mention of Craig. I literally skated over everything as if none of it meant anything at all. She didn't pry, and we spent the evening just getting to know each other via our histories. It was a
pretty night. I felt a glow having found a new friend. But upon our next girl date, I felt compelled to share with her. She so generously embraced it and promised me that we were most clearly meant to meet right when we did. That seems right. B has been nothing but goodness ever since, though, she is extremely busy and it proves difficult to meet up (as is the case of all New York, which I'll further explore later on.) Next up: Kim Tran. Oh, my dear, brilliant, beautiful and hilarious Kim Tran. Kim is someone I also clearly was destined to meet. Things do happen for a reason. I believe it. My co-worker Russell invited me out to Happy Hour one Friday, and the turn out was huge, something like 20 people! And in the sea of Happy Hour goers was Kim. That initial night, we didn't actually converse much because I had invited Benjamine and didn't want B to feel awkward around a lot of strangers, but Kim seemed pleasant (and ridiculously magnetic in her personality.) I can't pinpoint the Happy Hour that sealed our friendship, but over time, we've aimed to spend one night a week together - she is from Wyoming, and her brother Phi has recently left New York to travel travel see see do do and has since landed in California to find his own. I got to know both Kim and Phi closely quickly, and I can't thank the Universe ENOUGH for extending these people to me. Kim is tiny, precious, professional, brave, independent, unbelievably clever and funny, maintains plans (big deal, here) and has an Ex-Joe, so she and I can commiserate together on the highs and lows of how things shook down. We had an adventure together Thursday night that led to a lot of hilarity, and my crush on an Irish guy that works at my favorite bar is confirmed, but he's leaving for Ireland for a long family holiday so I don't know when I'll see him again. Kim gave her number to two guys that night, which means in the morning she arrived upon two really funny random anonymous texts - it's all a part of being
this single in
this City. Very funny. Saturday I visited Kim again - she's UES, so it's nostalgic visiting my old nabe, and we spent the day together and I kept thinking, I've been thinking, so repeatedly that I can't get over this movie I've stumbled upon. Music. Love. It's called
Once, and I found it in such a roundabout way (Dan/Adam introduce me to the AV Club, I go to the website, banner reads, "The Swell Season covers Neutral Milk Hotel" and of course, my heart sank to my toes! Click on the video to view it, and I don't curse often in this sphere but
fuck, was it a solid cover, began research, etc., learned the movie
Once was made with this Irish fellow and his Czech counterpart who are The Swell Season and it just has me left with chills, every time I view it, which is now easily going on 5 x's! Haha)(the music stays with me and I've now left my apartment approximately 80 x's with one particular song on my iPhone that makes me smile and smile and smile while I walk.)(THANKS, MUSIC! Thanks, Glen. I have a giant massive sad love crush on you.)(I think I want to be with an Irishman.) So, I inquire of Kim, Can we watch it? And she's like, Of course, KB, so we travel to a Blockbuster somewhere nearby and we're good and tipsy by this point, but we're on a mission. So we pick it up, head to her apartment, she pours us huge glasses of wine and we start watching. And again, and again and again, I fall in love with what happens in this movie. It's like the most romantic movie made about music, ever. In the morning, I wake up from having passed out on her couch (second time, wearing same dress, funny) and she calls out, Are you alive? And we spent the morning drinking water from martini glasses (well, I did) before she headed to Long Island for the remainder of the weekend. Kim is just...perfect. She's this perfect friend who will never, ever disappear without warning, who would never ditch friends for a boy, who will always be this pivotal force for me, now. I got to meet her childhood friend Uyen and Uyen's husband a couple of months ago, spent almost the entire week that they were here with them. Uyen has been begging us to visit them in Denver, and I think we're going to go! Kim's great. And her brother Phi is just indescribably amazing, too. He and I keep in pretty close touch - I hope Cali works out for him, but if not, I wouldn't mind having him back here.*The other person I want to extend my gratitude for now is Chris. I've sort of mentioned him, dropped a few things here and there about him, but not gone into any serious detail. Chris (Buffalo) just visited me last weekend. We had a brilliant time. I felt like such a genius hostess. Oh, and, I caught up with an ex-bf from college, as well...um, different story for different day, not to infringe on my thanks to Chris. While Chris was here, I experienced a range of affections that I feel like I haven't been able to be the recipient of in like 100 years. He's so charming, so easy to be around. We went to dinner Friday night at Molly's and OOPS, Sam was bar tending. Let's not discuss that either, shall we not? Saturday I took Chris to Mud for brunch, St. Marks, a bar called Bull McCabe's where we penned stuff in Sharpie on the Cessna plane that is "crashed" in BM's beer garden. Then we headed back to the apartment to clean up, and grabbed a cab to the West Side, The Frying Pan, which is this NYC phenomenon - old boats tethered together, $35 buckets of 6 Corona (ack!) but the atmosphere is so worth it. And if not for him, I would have never explored the underbelly of one of the boats, which was rusty and creepy and awesome and very much like being in a
Saw movie! There is even a science lab down there with a specimen cabinet - visually thrilling, really! So cool, so cool. Then we had tickets to a Circle Line Harbor Lights cruise...very, very great. The weather was so right. He loved it, couldn't stop taking photos. We had been texting his brothers off and on through the day, and he spoke to his father a couple of times, and it felt good for me to know that they were happy that he was with me. After the boat, we swung by The Globe and Suhana (she's up next as thanks go) was working! Chris, of course, fell madly in love with her (who doesn't? She's chic intelligent divine beauty!) and we spent a while there before heading back to the apartment to watch some Dexter. Sunday, we brunched at this cute little place down the street, then took the train to Times Square. I haven't been in years, so I was overjoyed to reconnect. Following that, we went to Citi Field...hello, old haunts...but I was impressed with it, with myself for having endured it, the construction, the panic attacks and everything. After the 7th inning, we headed to the Astoria Bohemian Beer Garden to meet up with Chris' childhood friend Jake who works for some TV show, is a photographer and lives there in Astoria. I can't explain...so much fun. Jake and Chris are so funny together, and just had me in stitches, really, really. We spent the whole rest of the night with Jake in Queens. And now? Well, I had asked Chris if he minded if Jake and I exchanged numbers - Chris got a funny little look on his face, like...really?...but he sent me Jake's number and Jake and I are now texting. I asked him to concoct a photography adventure for us. He comes back to town Tuesday from visiting friends, so I'm excited for a new friend via another friend because those tend to be the best kind around here.
In summary,
B~thanks, eternally.
Kim, infinite good times ahead for us! And strongly bonded friendship.
Chris, you helped me remember that I'm attractive, strong, alive.
Suhana...we'll get to you later, woman (Niki, you as well, don't think I've forgotten everything you've done.)
Jake, can't wait to be random City adventurer with you.
And books? I started reading again. Brilliant.