Cabo, cabo, cabo. We're back after an unbelievable adventure to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico and I must say, this is the forum where I plan to tell all! Really, we had a perfect time. When I say here I plan to
tell all, that means more or less that the new website we created today (see links on the right) is entirely pictoral whereas here is my narrative version (as usual.) Basically, a better pictoral version of our Mexican vacation is available if you click the link to the right titled
craig and kristin in the city and elsewhere...it's our new endeavor to share photos with friends and family, much as our friends Corey and Brooke have created (they gave us a good idea and we thank them!)

So here is the view from our room. This was shot on the 2nd day, because day 1 was rather overcast, but why post that picture when this one is so lovely? What happened is this: December 22nd, we loaded up a cab trunk with the old monster bag I bought prior to going to London in January, plus carry-ons, and we cruised to Laguardia. Our flight was a normal Laguardia circumstance (bad) but the thing was, we had only found out the night before that we had to fly through Nashville (not to get off the plane but to stop and adjust passengers and what not.) Unfortunately, none of that dream came true because we wound up disembarking, re-embarking, disembarking and re-embarking the plane not just the twice I've listed, but
three times. I don't know - mechanical problems? American Airlines problems? Any way it happened they swore to us that all American Airlines flights were experiencing delays, therefore we wouldn't possibly miss our flight from Dallas/Ft. Worth to San Jose, Mexico. And what do you know but those deskfolk were right! We got to Dallas with time to spare. The one thing I noted miserably is that the flight times for us to get to Cabo would be long and drawn out. The flight to Nashville from Laguardia was between 1 and 2 hours, the flight to Dallas/Ft. Worth was like 2+, and the flight from Dallas/Ft. Worth to San Jose was like a million hours (or, by that time it felt that way.)

But, we made it of course. Landing in the near-midnight range was exhausting, but we managed to drain a Corona or two and even meet some Canadians that night at the Sport Bar at the resort, wound up staying up with them until indescribable hours of the next morning, and then here I sit on the beach outside of Riu Santa Fe, my "Corona commercial," as Craig termed it. The resort really was quite stunning, even under some clouds. The beach sand was soft enough, although in places we found some tougher spots, and the whole day was really just what we needed: relaxation. That night we traveled downtown to Cabo and hit a couple of bars.

I engaged in a comical conversation with a waiter at this particular place. Craig had gone to the restroom and the waiter strolled by and stopped to welcome me to Cabo. The exchange:
Waiter: "Como estas?"
KB: "What?"
Waiter, politely: "Como estas?"
KB, shouting over the loud music: "WHAT?"
Waiter, exasperated: "HOW ARE YOU?"
KB: "Ah! Muy bien!"
I don't get called light headed for just anything, evidently!
The thing in Cabo, and maybe in more of Mexico, is that the locals are looking for opportunities to finely tune their English. That puts them well ahead of those of us who stumble through our own language much less have ever tried a second. But, in all fairness to the tourists, they will let us act like total morons and try to speak limited 1-liners in Spanish before becoming annoyed and just launching into English. Moving along...

While we did enjoy a beach cantina or two or three or four or more, what we noticed is how
Spring Break 07 they became as we progressed down the beach. For instance, the image above is right out of MTV, isn't it? At least, old school MTV from when I was sneaking glimpses of MTV as a teenager: weird cartoon on the wall carrying drinks plus remains of a very pink drink on a bright green table cloth? Residual effects of Spring Break gone wrong?? Really, we weren't as into the cantinas (I wasn't) as we traveled down the beach. This was at Mango, which I believe was just your average lunch place serving wild pink drinks to tourists.*

I must admit, it was entertaining to watch the macho guys volunteer to have shots of indistinguishable liquor poured down their throats for prizes such as, "You just won another shot and a round for the rest of the restaurant!" How
very rewarding for them.*I'm going to call it quits as the time approaches 12.30. We did sleep very well last night - we got home around 7, ordered a pizza and salad from Delizzia, watched a
How I Met Your Mother marathon and went to bed early, but again, I worked diligently on our "pictoral" blog all day (blogspot has changed drastically since I was a young lad creating a blog page in 05 and I'm too confused to catch up) and it doesn't even look like I'd like it to after all the headache! but hey, it's created finally and contains all the vacation photos that my Chief would like. :) And now I'm going to join him to fall asleep to his Lost dvd's...more bad - but not to be missed - photos to follow!