Some kid's motor boat in Central Park from when M&D were in town...

I'm home with time to spare tonight! Errands are run, exercise at NYSC complete (accomplished 2 miles of mostly running with some brisk walking and cool down thrown in), and two split chicken breasts are roasting (olive oiled, sprinkled with kosher salt, onion powder and cayenne pepper) to be shredded for ontop of a brightly colored salad that I will be constructing soon. But! Time for KB while Craig hits his gym...with a TRAINER! Aye! He's going to have his ass kicked, haha! So I wanted to just blog at random. It's too big an endeavor to update craigkristin tonight, but I'm kicking myself...I need to soon! We've got so many pictures I've yet to post. And I just jotted a few notes into my iPhone (yeah, weird, I know) about tomorrow night's activity - packed evening! Leaving work early would be heaven sent but I doubt that will get to go through, especially with Friday off for our trip to Chicago. Ah! But one thing at a time. The random pictures above are just that: random pictures. I'm embarking on a summer filled with "photo assignments" with my co-worker Sadaf who is an excellent photographer - she's also blessed with having purchased the grown-up version of my Nikon :) but we just accomplished our first mission, an idea I stole from The Internet's Brain, called "Plants, Not Flowers". It went well, I think! I will post actual photos I "used" for the "assignment" later on. The next assignment is "Windows," which has me just giddy because here in New York City, nothing is more fascinating than the windows. Hmm, I say
nothing but I mean
very little. And what happened to me with our "Plants, Not Flowers" assignment, is, that even without the Nikon on me, many days I would have my eyes peeled for interesting photo opps. Since I stare curiously at the windows in New York City all the time anyway, this ought to really get some inspiration spiralling in directions. Moving along, working out has been going very well. In fact, it's been going so well that I'm mentally lashing myself for not joining a gym earlier. Although, the "recession" prices did quite help my ability to do so. For almost a year, I've wondered, "Why don't I just go outside and run already?" There is this huge world of New York out there where I could run and run and run for free, and see interesting things all the while. But! Seeing as it's free, and I'm not losing money on it, there is little to no motivation. Paying approx. $100/month (I know. I know.) more motivates me to get myself up to 3rd Avenue and make it happen. Look at it like this: my gym is no more than 2 minutes from me. How less intimidating could that be?? And the clientele are varied, not like what I imagine Craig's gym to be, which is a sea of Desperate Housewives and their pool boys eyeballing themselves and each other in giant mirrors on the walls and ceilings. Sorry Craig, but ew. :) So anyway, he's "training" tonight (neither of us has ever done that so I asked him to take notes because I do also have a free single session at my gym) and I'm gathering we'll eat our huge lovingly prepared (soon) salads and just conk out. But tomorrow's gigantic. An H&M opened in one of the Bovis high rises built at 86th & Lex. Seeing as I'm saving for a Macbook Pro in its beautiful aluminum SEVEN HOUR BATTERY GLORY, I'm unable to continue to splurge on such stores as Banana Republic and Bloomingdale's. Haha, to compare those two. Bloomingdale's would swallow Banana Republic whole. So, with H&M in the picture (and a big, nice, new, shiny, awesome one, at that!), I can feasibly deck out a wardrobe for the weekend in Chicago for very little money and feel satisfied with what I find. Craig claims I buy something new (to wear) everytime we travel. Okay. So I do. I'm just gosh darn bored with every stitch of clothing I see in my shoe box-sized closet. It could all go up in smoke and I'd not remember a color of any of the shirts or pants.*Oh. Speaking of up in smoke. This morning I heard sirens. Tons of them. Then they were suddenly in stereo. I think I was tousling my wet head of hair to shake some shower from it when I headed to the living room to see what might be up. The same sirens outside were on our television. Aggh! An apartment fire! 92nd and 2nd! That's where we live! Egads!! The news channel informed us that a 10th story apartment had caught fire around 6 a.m. and was being dealt with by local firemen. One smoke inhalation treatment, no deaths or anything. So we went about our business to get ready, left the apartment, and holy firetruck convention!! There were firetrucks littering our little corner of the universe! Like 30 of them! Lined up with flashing reds and yellows along 92nd Street from 2nd Ave to 3rd, and from 93rd to 91st along 2nd! WTH! So many firemen and trucks?? Really??? We sort of did our normal thing, stopped into Dunkin Donuts for our usual coffees then headed to the train, but weird morning! I'm just chalking it up to yet another thing we've witnessed that phases next to no one because New Yorkers are survivors. It's amazing.*So, tomorrow after my first trip to our brand new neighborhood H&M, I'm doing several other things, including manicure, pedicure, working out, picking up laundry, and on and on, then I have to shower and figure out a way to be a rockstar to go to a Pete Yorn concert at
11:30 p.m. at Joe's Pub. I know! 11:30 p.m. That hour commonly finds me swimming into some weird dream. Before the show, we're going to our fun little Korean restaurant on St. Mark's Place (I hope since it's summer that they have their yummy Watermelon Soju!) I'm going to review it for Hungry? which means dragging along my friend the Nikon. But, Pete Yorn! Pete Yorn. I saw him live in Detroit in like 2002 with my old Cinci/Kentucky friend Jay who worked on the airport with us. Pete Yorn's music is awesome but he also covers things with such skill and grace that I could just fall apart. He covers "Dancing in the Dark" and it sounds like a brand new song. He covers "Panic" by the Smiths! Ah! He covers "China Girl"...really?? Really??? But again, his original music is even amazing. Craig listened to him a little on the way home from the gym yesterday to get in gear for the show. I need to. Maybe I will put him in while waiting for Craig and our salads.*Friday morning, our flight to Chicago indeed leaves pretty early. Our eyeballs will be stuck shut, I know this. But, Friday when we land, we're taking a cab to Dusty and Fiona's to meet with Fi - will head to lunch with her (Dustin will be at work) and then - who knows?? It's Chi-town. I will bask in it because I don't get to spend time there, ever, and I was born there. My dad's a Cubbies fan. And a Bears enthusiast. And he loves Ditka. :) I've got family that lives there - not the first trip, but perhaps the 4th of July trip when we go again, I can see my Aunt Claude, Uncle Jim, Cousin John, Cousin Kate, Cousin Carol, Aunt Dee or maybe even the new baby born to our family who was a preemie (he is doing rather well, fingers crossed for growth). Craig would help me facilitate any of that.*I'm unsure of how many things I accomplished journaling here, but the chicken is out to "set" and the vegetables must be cut now. Craig's salad will have an Asian flair because I bought him a ginger dressing that I hope he likes (akin to what he gets at Ookie Sushi when he orders a salad). I'm making mine with tons of tomatoes, red, yellow and orange, goat cheese, spinach, mesclun, yellow peppers and cucumbers. It'll be like a little salad bar of sorts.*KB, off to work. Another good day.
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