I've become obsessed with soft clean smells bottled up behind simply designed labels. Escada started it, and yet I haven't worn that one in a while because I keep adding to my collection, and each new one one ups the previous scent. The
fresh scent came next, which I adore because it is like sitting in a smoky speakeasy with bluesy music playing. Then because my friend recommended it, I swung by a Sephora one Sunday after brunch with Craig on the West Side and purchased Amazing Grace by Philosophy. Then my other friend commented that she loves Pure Grace, also by Philosophy. Again I found myself near a Sephora, so I indulged on Pure Grace as well as the cute little bottle of Falling in Love. I think I'm covered for a while.*It's been quite some time since I posted. This isn't for any reason other than spring fever, freedom from work stress, eating out way too many nights, and a basic lack of motivation to sit at the computer. There are events I wish to recap but can't even begin to do justice, such as the Lauren~Jeff girl/boy parties followed almost immediately by their enchanting wedding, all which happened last weekend. To tag a few memories: Lauren's girl party was held at an organic vegan restaurant, and I've never walked away so satisfied as with what I ate!, Craig came home so late following Jeff's boy party (early? 4:30 a.m.?) that he slept until something like 1 o'clock the next day! And I learned later that Steve, the guy who accompanied Craig out that late, was eternally grateful for Craig accompanying him out that late and the guy also bunked at Amanda's that night, and according to her, "landed with a thud" on the floor when he got home because he didn't make it quite to the bed. Ha! And I also learned more recently that Craig "napped briefly" at one of the bars he took Steve to, then "rallied after that." Oh, sweet Craig! Other things happened in the spaces between those events, such as work, a trip to Brooklyn to hang out with Niki, Matt, Adam and Craig to watch
Arrested Development and eat Bojda Burgers (those were just so good) and later play Rock Band and then head to an awesome tiny beer garden right by the subway station, although we
cabbed it home from Brooklyn to Manhattan after the beer garden!, and the wedding happened on Sunday (May 17th) in Central Park at the Boat House. First of all, every time Craig and I have ever traveled to a wedding has been via airplane. But, we hopped in a cab and traveled 5 minutes to 72nd and 5th Ave, then transferred easily to a shuttle marked "Boat House Shuttle" and traveled another 3 minutes to the Boat House for Lauren and Jeff's wedding...well, that travel time has all other wedding travel times beat, by a landslide! The first thing we did was sip champagne outside on a patio with all of Lauren's and Jeff's nearest and dearest. Then we were ushered into the ceremony space to the tune of a xylophone. The wedding! Oh, the wedding. Hands down, there is nothing like seeing two people you know and love so deeply marrying one another in front of what feels like the most devoted fans of those two. Seriously! I'd love to go minute to minute but I think that their video footage will say it all! Lauren and Jeff each had just their brothers standing up, Matt and Dave, which was perfect. No string of moist-eyed bridesmaids or goofy groomsmen, just the two bros. And behind the ceremony, outlining the Park, was the City Skyline, which is awe-inspiring. I could ramble forever about each perfect, delicate moment of their wedding, including the classy reception following, and how our table of friends rocked and how we got to cheer on Lauren and Jeff's reception to our table not just once, but twice! Because, all of the girls at our table cheered so loudly that when they approached to greet Lauren said, "That was fun, let's try that again!" and then they backed away and approached us a second time and we cheered just as loudly. :) Whoa, long story, but in summary, I've never felt such bliss and as elated as I did at their special day. It was literally like being
one with what the Universe is trying to tell us. There were such waves of love filling the entire space of the Boat House - romantic, familial, and so forth and so on.*Also someplace in the mix, Craig and I traveled to Baltimore. That deserves its own post because it was an impressive adventure. We took the Amtrak train, utilized cheap cabs, saw Fells Point (which is amazing and old and wonderful!), ate the World's Most Amazing Crabcakes, and went to a game at Camden Yards, which is hands down America's finest stadium. What else? Baseball games here in New York, new bars and restaurants, I have my first "published" work book party next Tuesday at a ritzy lounge in a W hotel (bar reviews...will dedicate a post to the book later). And it's Memorial Day Weekend! Just the start! We kicked it off last night with Lauren, Jeff and Amanda for Lauren's birthday (insert: Lauren and Jeff are headed to Greece in July for their honeymoon, but have to get through their musical theater month of June first) - we ate at a raw bar down in the LES called something like "pure food" (don't know for sure) and our entrees were breathtaking. Then, after a righteous experience at this place (located at E. 17th and Irving Place), we walked to Momofuku Milk Bar, per Craig's insistence, for Lauren to have a birthday treat. The line was intimidating at first, but once we were in the door, we were golden. Lauren ordered a milkshake comprised of their chocolate-mint softserve and choco milk. Jeff and Craig ordered slices of cake, both which smelled heavenly. I can't remember what Amanda J ordered? But what I selected, as a weirdly
not good but decent recommendation from the cashier, was a fireball softserve~wild strawberry milk combined milkshake, and WOW, was it kicking. I passed it around to Craig, Lauren, Jeff and Amanda, and they all wanted more of it! It was weird, good, and rocked! Craig and I both swear, that place, overseen by David Cheng, must be the City's Most Popular and Amazing Dessert Venue. Their stuff is so strange! And good! Stuff you'd never imagine tasting good thrills the tongue! Anyway, I should probably review it for the restaurant guide blog I'm working on now.*There are so many things more that I'd love to mention, but Craig's awake and showering, which means my day is about to begin. I plan to return with other stuff, stuff we've done, seen, heard and loved. I swear, living in this City is like living in a whole different realm.*
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