It's Sunday early afternoon, and my parents just arrived at LaGuardia to hopefully catch a flight earlier than their 8 p.m. back to Detroit. (pregnant pause--KB ran errands then kept posting...) They arrived in New York to visit us last Thursday evening, and we had a really fantastic time with them, filled with good eats, a lot of walking and even a Mets game at Citi Field so that they could see our endeavor. Thursday night we ate dinner across the street at Zebu. I haven't posted enough about my new accomplishment, if anything at all yet, which is that I was a contributing bar review writer for a publication called
Thirsty? New York City, which was released at a book launch party last Tuesday. The book launch party took place at the Audrey Lounge in the W Tuscany at E. 39th between Park and Lexington. The first hour was for press and contributors only, followed by public access. The turn out was really very good! And Craig joined me when he was able and I learned that the Hungry? City Guides organization is looking for a Hungry? New York City guidebook editor. I am going to pull together a resume of sorts and send it to one of the L.A. girls tomorrow, which is all too exciting, if it pans out! Anyway, we met up with my old best friend from college and her friend at a bar following the book launch party. That night resulted in quite the fog for the day at work the next morning (rock star?? I think not), then in the evening, my parents arrived, and while we had planned on going down to either Rosa Mexicano or Pete's Tavern for dinner, followed by bowling, we instead elected to cross the street and eat at Zebu. We had a divine experience there, and I reviewed it for the Hungry? City Guides blog page, which is another thing I've assigned myself to do commitedly. Anyway, after Zebu and its delicious Brazilian fare, we headed to Biddy's for a few beers, only to happily learn it was trivia night! So, we played trivia and drank Guiness and it was quite a riot with mom & dad! Friday morning I went and picked up bagels for everyone. Mom & dad left to see the Intrepid, and Craig and I relaxed while I waited for my contacts to arrive. Around 2, we left to meet them in Washington Square Park, after which we ate lunch at this new most awesome NYU bar called The Half Pint. The food is super upscale bar grub, with the option to build your own sandwich comprised of an array of ingredients, most of all which I love, which means I could eat there a number of times and not exhaust my options! We then walked around for a while before heading to Flushing for the Mets game. Jenny (college bff) and Mary joined us, and it was pretty fun showing off the digs to them. They were all really sweet about it, and we had a blast. Jenny and I were almost crying, we were laughing so hard, which is just about exactly how we are together. I wish I could have spent more time with her, but she was here with Mary to attend the Book Expo at Javits Center (Sunday, the Thirsty? guide was on display!) so that put a dent in many plans. But it was still an amazing weekend. Saturday, my parents were graced with long overdue and well deserved gorgeous spring New York weather, so we walked through Central Park, found the Bow Bridge, which Craig and I have never seen, then traveled to the Meatpacking District for an adult beverage (which was altogether surreal and I realize why we do not go/fit in there! Ack!) then we shifted to Union Square to browse artwork. Craig and I found another wall piece, this artsy high contrast photograph of the Manhattan Bridge shot from DUMBO with a puddle of water in the cobblestone street in which the bridge is reflected. There is what appears to be shoe polished or dark painted masking tape that frames the photo (a technique I love from long ago) and it's basically pretty fantastic. It was $20! That's yet another ridiculously incredible thing about this town. Anyway, we came back to clean up and have a beer, then took a cab to Brick Lane for Indian food. My parents were extremely adventurous and we so appreciated their open-minded approach to something so unfamiliar to them! Our meals were unspeakably delicious (although I will be reviewing Brick Lane for the Hungry? site) and then we came home and watched a few DVR'ed shows before mom & dad went to sleep. Craig played Sims City and I watched Role Models and we finished off a few beers that were in the fridge. This morning, Craig and I slept in until like 10! My mom, each morning she spends here with us, quietly slips out to have coffee at Dunkin Donuts around the corner. She places my dad's cell phone by his head, and when she's ready to return to the apartment, she calls him and he meets her downstairs. I know, why not take the keys, right? :) It just has to do with the weird quantity of keys on my keychain and how many different keys it takes to get in and out of a New York apartment building. So, she and dad were up super early but Craig and I slept like rocks (I awoke around 7 to gear up the TV for dad, seeing as our gadgets differ from his in confusing ways) and then when we did finally rise, the 4 of us cleaned up and went to the Corner Cafe for brunch. Craig had the idea that we should take them to the north part of Central Park to show them the lush gardens (statues seen above) and it was a wonderful and relaxing hour. We snapped tons of photographs, and I almost felt as if I would never leave, because the photo opps were multiplying and I was experimenting with settings on the Nikon and just really, really enjoying the sun on my face and the peace that can be found in that part of the Park. After our hour or so there, we walked back to the apartment and packed up mom & dad to cab it to LaGuardia. It sucks - their flight is not until 8 tonight, and we sent them off way early for that late of a flight, but they tentatively planned to try stand by on an earlier one, otherwise they understood that Craig and I would like the afternoon to ourselves to unwind and gather ourselves up to face another work week. Since they have left I've gotten a lot done, and I'm pleased with the weekend overall and feel confident that this week will be a strong and good one. Today,
I joined a gym. Slap palm of hand to forehead. I joined a gym.
A gym. What
happens at gyms? What am I supposed to do with myself there?? But it's long, long, long overdue. Since the months leading to opening the stadium found me throwing Weight Watchers into the wind, I've found 10 lbs. that I have shrugged off as
Who Cares lbs. I don't have a terrible issue with my body - it has its awkward quirks, like my knobby knees and blotchy arms and knotted fingers and I could go on, but that doesn't have anything to do with the fact that working out is healthy no matter what is the end goal. As a teenager and young adult, I always felt so comfortable in my skin. Near my late twenties, that feeling dissipated with the onset of no longer being invincible to aging. Now, no matter what, if I can get back on track with healthy eating and lifestyle (which includes fumbling with a dial on a treadmill several times a week??), I think everything else will come together in a natural, happy, healthy and tolerable fashion. Craig is out right now exploring his options as gym memberships go. I joined the more affordable $106/per month, month-to-month gym, whereas he might be more inclined to join the pricier, more sophisticated, more expensive gym called Equinox. I know no difference, only that by paying a monthly fee, I hope I am fueled to at least wander in and throw some cardio into motion a few times a week. We'll see how things unfold.*Tonight I'm making sauteed chicken breasts with a creamy white sauce, orzo and asparagus. And I'm contemplating updating craigkristin, although, that's a hefty endeavor considering I have not updated it since trips to Brooklyn, Baltimore, portions of Manhattan and many Citi Field adventures. But, possibly I can condense recent history to a brief photographic summary. I'd like to get back to being me again. I'd like to find that balance.*
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