June 08, 2009


nin is unleashing something here, something rocking and fierce!
perry ferrell, musical gazelle!

I feel like I'm not posting as much as I used to, or as much as I'd like, at least. Time picks up speed in the summer. So, this past weekend we engaged in a few events. Friday night I cooked a Chicken-Chorizo Burger which was raw chicken pulsed with chopped Chorizo sausage, jalapeno and torn corn tortilla shells (I cooked them in a skillet on the stove). The recipe calls for an avocado mayonnaise which has lime juice, cilantro and avocado, and I added slices of Pepper Jack cheese (using, of course, whole wheat Weight Watchers rolls!) They were incredible, a memorable experiment that we will revisit. Saturday night we traveled to Brooklyn to attend a party at Julie's (our friend Adam's girlfriend) at their new apartment and for her roommate Emily's birthday. It was a total blast, which included conversations about college days (censor!) and a lot of gushing over their new place, which is on Nassau Ave in Greenpoint, Brooklyn. While it was somewhat of a hike to get there, once there, we had a terrific time! Sunday morning, needless to say, we woke up feeling plowed. We're just too old to stay out that late anymore. But, Craig had secured us tickets to see Nine Inch Nails and Jane's Addiction out at Jones Beach, and right around this time last year, we saw R.E.M. out there, so why not, right? It's like our newfound "vintage music" summer tradition! Somehow, through the thick fog of a morning after a late night, we showered and walked to 86th Street to, dutifully to our wallets, take the subway. But our Long Island Rail Road train would be departing at 1:40, and as anyone who has ever ridden a weekend subway can attest, the subways run much less frequently weekends and can become an obstacle if you have to catch a train from Penn Station. Resigning ourselves to the fact that the 6 to the E to Penn Station would take half the day, we emerged from the station and grabbed a cab. Our driver somewhat sucked, so we rolled up to Penn with something like 12 minutes until our 1:40 would leave. Craig darted to the ticket machine and I hurriedly checked the track schedule. It was like being in an action movie, really, since we were running through the station waving our tickets sweating bullets that we'd miss our train! Or something less dramatic than that...but still, we cut it close, and shew, made it. The trip to Freeport is actually not that bad. Then, once to Freeport, we grabbed a taxi to the Nautical Mile, where there just happened to be a carnival happening. We grabbed crabcakes and beers for lunch, then sort of bar hopped up and down the Mile, people watching all the while (with fascinating content to watch, really!) Once, in a bathroom waiting in line, I was surrounded by a group of Long Island women who were all shrieking at each other in Long Island accents. First, they told this older blonde lady that she was "such a good dansa" (because she'd been dancing up a storm with her hubby on the patio.) The blonde (thickly accented also) said, "Wouldja believe I have 7 kids? This is my only date night a week," to which a couple of others squealed, "You have 7 kids? Get outta here! She's got 7 kids!" and they all proceeded to be, well, Long Island women together. We were all anxious to use 1 of the 2 stalls, so this one woman turned to the group before entering the stall and said, "Ahl be the fastest pissa you ever saw!" Too, too awesome and hilarious!! I loved it, and left the bathroom to tell the entire thing to Craig. After spending some more time at the Mile, watching the crowds, drinking beers, we called a taxi to get us to Jones Beach. Our tickets got us into the VIP tent which is the only location serving beers in an otherwise dry venue. During which time we had a beer, some band called the Street Sweeper Social Club was on, and the Rage Against the Machine guitarist is in it. They rocked a little too hard for me at my older age :) but sounded good, anyway. After that, NIN...ohhh, it was soo good! He did play Terrible Lie and Head Like a Hole and a whole string of other oldies...between NIN and Jane's, we grabbed another beer, then JANE'S!!! It was just incredible. Perry Ferrell kinda puts some of the older rockers to shame, really. He's wild and full of energy and his voice is such a classic, original and amazing sound. We had so, so much fun, and it was worth it getting back to Manhattan around 1:30 this a.m., although now we are both just shot. Craig is serving jury duty, beginning today and returning tomorrow for an indeterminate amount of time. Work is work. I'm on the brink of buying a Macbook, or a Macbook Pro, depending on the pros and cons I determine as to which I should get. Apple made announcements today, and prices have dropped tremendously and while 10 years ago, I wouldn't have dreamed of attempting to buy anything as expensive as an electronic thing, these days I'm a little more flexible with spending (ahem, including the Nikon purchase, which remains one of the best things I've ever bought!) Once I establish which laptop I want, and once I save the money so that I'm buying it outright and not charging it, all will be well in the KB-expensive purchase land. I will be done for a while! The only thing that agonizes me and delays my laptop purchase is that I'm for once and for all going to have to get organized, really, really get organized: my writing, my photography, and so forth. It's going to challenge my smarts something fierce. But, it's inevitable. I must make it so.*Off to rest the rest of tonight.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I recommend the MacBook Air. It's on my list of things to buy...right after a new King-size mattress. :)

Hope things are going well! I want to catch up soon!


10:15 PM  

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