Presents? And posted below is the mug I've been wanting since I first saw it...filled with peppermint.
, I heard the cashiers say! The other side reads, "Holiday Meal Director". Huh! That's me!

Okay, so this morning found me feeling unusually brilliant and sparkling, brimming with thoughts and wonderment. But then I got to work. And my brilliance got squashed - as usual! But not before I discovered that Jeff Lindsay, the author of the Dexter books (on which the show is based) is married to a Hemingway. A Hemingway! (actually the niece of Ernest!) I was browsing around trying to wake up at my desk and wondering about the author - something I had yet not wondered - since I bought Craig one of the books and all. And thus I discovered that the literary circle yet again wrapped itself around something that I love! Yes! Vindication. Nice.*Work was abrupt and unmerciful today, I will admit. But I got through it, losing a lot of important mind indulgences that had followed me on the train this morning. Tonight, Craig and I commuted home together, which was nice for a change. Then we split ways at 86th Street, and he went in search of gifts and such at Best Buy and Pier 1 while I hit Hallmark for "decorative plates" (as seen above, I emerged with much, much more than just plates!) (Oh, and I failed to photograph the bright red plasticware, the decorative paper plates, the linen-quality disposable decorative napkins - and more!) I came home, and poor Craig had struck out right and left at his stops. I felt bad for him because he was in a crap mood from his afternoon and from his strikeouts in the evening, but he cheered considerably when he discovered that we've acquired quite a few additional HiDef channels! He browsed his bartending books for Holiday Cocktails, and we ordered Japanese from Ooki (so that I could have sushi at home, which I've never tried before!! Yums) and I wrapped his gifts, and that brings me to a tired, post-10 work night. I'm trying to live too many lives. I realize this. I want to have a day job, but my commute is long. On the train I'd like to read and be productive, but it seems to better serve "wind up" or "wind down" time. I now have two books that are needing me to read them. I want a social life at night, time to clean thoroughly, take care of Craig nutritionally and otherwise, time to sit and dream out the window...time to learn to bake amazing Christmas cookies! My manicure is chipping off again from use of my hands, but when am I going to serve 1/2 an hour at the manicurist before the party Saturday? I would love a cute sweater dress, but I don't know when to look for one. Need a haircut! Need eyebrow fix! Yelp! Need more hours in a day! Need less time reporting to something so unfulfilling! Yet, happy to be employed in this absolute mudslide of an economy.*I tried to remind Craig on our walk home just how blessed we are. He conceded. Yes, we are.
Sweater dress = Gap or Banana Republic :)
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