For lack of any other recent pictures, and because I'm not ready for the Superstar of our apartment to be off the front page, I'm posting another image of the prized sofa. Additionally, I don't have any food photographs, but it's Pesto Week at our place. Last night's charming and speedy pesto consisted of sun-dried tomatoes cured in oil, basil, Parm, garlic, pine nuts and feta (ontop of the end result). We liked it very well, so well that we exceeded our serving portions by...way more than to which I'd care to confess. Tonight's easy hopefully equally enchanting pesto showcases arugula along with flatleaf parsley and again, basil. This one includes walnuts as its nut role. We'll see.*I'm home so much earlier than Craig tonight - it's kind of throwing my evening into reverse. Usually, I come home and begin dinner because he leaves approximately an hour after I do, which is ample time for me to have it at least in motion when he arrives home. It's now near 7, and he's still there hammering away (so to speak, for those who know his career). We are nearing the Big Push at work, so I understand that this will be happening more. And secretly, it's nice to have over an hour to myself with which I can basically do...anything I want! My goal was to get to Key Food and have the fridge loaded with pesto ingredients, a glass of Sauv Blanc poured and a seat at the computer in time to post for a while by 6.30 (happened! hurray!) The next mission, if I so choose to accept it, is to re-watch this past Sunday's
Dexter episode, because Craig and I watched it last night, and excepting the one narrated line where he thought in the direction of the prosecutor, who had been rambling
annoyingly for what felt like half an hour, "Do I see sheets of plastic in your future?" (that was a laugh out loud moment), I hated it. (Thanks, Dex, at least for the laugh). But no thanks for the rest of the drama! Eesh. I'm so over Batista and his Vice Cop. I'm so over Rita (sorry, Rita - love you! Kinda wish you had rekindled with Paul or something!) and seriously - Miguel? WTH! What shady business do you have up your sleeve??? Either way, I would never bail on the show. I was heavy into plenty of "series" books growing up, and there would obviously be the occasional..."eh, I could do without that particular chapter/character." Writers aren't without blemish. Not most, at least. Like when deaf Regina dies in the
Sweet Valley High series???
Come on. She was one of the coolest characters those ghost writers had going for them (guilty pleasures back then, ahh). So anyway, relative to that (my near thrown shoe at the television while
Dexter was on last night), a couple of fellow
Dexter fans are coming here this Sunday night to watch the new installment. I am going to cook up a storm, with more food simmering/plated/slow cooking than I have in a long time, and it will be so fun to have two new couch guests/apartment guests/KB cooking guests. I may have to request that they bring carry-out boxes (um, that is, if they find my fare deemable edible!) This coming Saturday we have a giant Bed, Bath & Beyond errand to run...more items than I care to assess at this point need replaced. When living in apartments, there are definitely things that only have so long before they need an upgrade. For instance, kitchen towels. I currently have none since our move. And seeing as I practically live in that portion of the apartment, how have I dealt with it?? Yes, it's been rough.*Enough rambling. I'm off to enjoy an hour of the couch, as Craig has called and is now en route. Here's to the arugula. I hope its peppery bite doesn't let me down tonight!
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