Staycation day! I'm so happy. We were supposed to head to Chicago this weekend to visit Dustin and maybe catch up with Kelly and Melissa and anyone else from that fine town that we know, but money recommended that we not travel what with costly airfare right now. Plus,
I ordered the couch! Hurrah, only, it won't arrive to the greater Metropolitan New York City area until November 12. Sheesh. We will be more than ready, with the futon moved into the second bedroom and a huge blank wall waiting to receive the beautiful piece of furniture. So, this post may be hasty, but I wanted to mention a few things before we kick off our glorious blue skyed staycation day with temperatures in the sixties -
the sixties people! First of all, we did manage to make it to Yankee Stadium one last time to catch the White Sox this week. I left in the 8th because I was feeling a peculiar NYC dread of crowds that only hits me once every now and again. I just couldn't fathom trudging the perimeter of the stadium in the 60,000 people sea to get to a forever packed 4 train, not on a Monday night. But, Craig wasn't far behind (Alison and Scott were with us, too.) Second of all, last weekend at Radegast it was discovered that oddly my friend Amanda and a friend that Craig and I know through work named Adam lived in the exact same apartment unit in Brooklyn, a few years apart. Beer has me clouded on the details but what a weird occurrence, right? This City gets smaller every day.*I would be a little wordier, but Craig is hovering because he's anxious to get his day kicked off with a cup of joe from Mud on E. 9th. We're spending all of today and perhaps tomorrow hugging the Lower East Side and Alphabet City, our two most fave places to be cool kids. Last night over a drink at Ten Degrees Craig instituted one rule for today:
we cannot go into any bar or restaurant that we've been in before. Nice. Good rule. We will duck into shops and I will snap Nikon photos and it will really, really just be a nice day to have as ours. TGIF in a different way, today.*
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