Back when we went to see some MLB statues, I shot way too many photographs of Radio City Music Hall. I'm not sure why, other than the fact that the exposed neon in the signage is interesting and old school to me. But we have not been, and I don't know that we will make it to this venue to see a show ever. It would be nice, though. I've heard it's somewhat legendary.*Today was really, really, really good. I laughed a lot. I smiled and felt it from my toes. My face wasn't aching from faking an expression like pleasure, which has happened more recently more often than I wish to admit. Good day. I called my mom and told her and she was happy. Today I excelled at work, which helped, and additionally, I felt witty again. I haven't felt that sensation in a while, where there are things just brewing inside of me waiting to be said, funny things that people want to hear and want to throw out response. It was good. Good day.*I came home tonight and whipped up some mushroom pasta, and although it was runny tonight (too many mushrooms yielding too much liquid), it was tasty and with the green beans with sea salt and seasoned pepper, and garlic bread that I made myself, we had a nice meal. Now Craig is eyeing work papers he brought home, and I am half-listening to the Olympics that are on. I will say that I am upset that another dish possibly broke in the dishwasher. What is up? This dishwasher seems to really toss glass around. I have lost two wine glasses in there, and tonight there are no wine glasses so I can safely assume I lost a pint glass or a plate??? I am not sure why. Perhaps the water pressure is too intense for the size of the thing, which really only holds like 3 dishes total (slight exaggeration). Or perhaps my dishes are too fragile. Wouldn't be the weirdest thing in the world, seeing as they belong to me.*The couch is on the radar. I think we're targeting September to place the purchase. Once purchased, we're 8 weeks out from receiving it. That will seem to take forever to pass, that time. But once that couch is here, oh, the naps that will be ours!!*Cheers to a great day for me, today.
YAY!! KB HAD A GOOD DAY! :) I'm happy for you, girl! You deserve a good day.
Meanwhile, I'm sorry I'm such a LOSER of a friend and haven't called or emailed in awhile. Don't hate me. Please. ;)
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