Weekends do such strange things to time. I am stupefied repeatedly at the way in which time rushes by from Friday night to Sunday night. It feels like just yesterday that Craig and I were high-fiving our "it's Friday" chant. Well, anyway, we've really packed things in. Friday night we got dressed up and headed to Accademia de Vino, a fancy place in the Upper East Side which boasts 500 wines on their wine list and an interesting - I think Sicilian - menu. We ate and drank well, then Saturday woke up to run some errands and prepare to travel to Harlem - 125th Street via subway - to catch Metro North to Westchester. Friends of ours hosted a lovely barbecue with sprawling platters of chips, dips, fresh vegetables, barbecued shrimp, grilled "flap loin" (whatever that is - it was indescribably delicious), grilled chicken, grilled zucchini, chicken sausage, sausage, potato salad, pasta salad...I could go on and on, there was really that much food! Everything was delicious. Company was splendid and Craig and I stuck it out as the last to leave, as always with a good party! But we were still home and in bed by 1. This morning we woke up early again and traveled out to various stores - beginning with Tiny Living in Alphabet City after a memorable brunch at 7A (a diner we will gladly add to the rotation) and moving on to such stores in SoHo as Design within Reach, Jonathan Adler, BoConcept, Apt, Room and Board, and CB2. We wound up discovering ourselves at CB2, which is strange because our last experience there was less than desirable. So we bought a lovely table lamp for in the bedroom, which I am loving more and more and feeling sorry that we have it hidden behind the tv on Craig's dresser - I feel like it deserves more face time out here in the living room (see photo)

but maybe someday we will find a lesser lamp for the bedroom (a lamp is required in there to see into our dark closets - to date, Craig has been using a utility flashlight from his Dewalt tool kit) (hilarious) and then we can move the hip lamp to the living room. For now, it fills the bedroom with softer light and definitely will enable us to better see our clothing while pairing pants and shirts in the morning. And we also bought four Flor carpet squares where our desk chair will go by the computer (once we buy a chair, that is) and two pretty cool charcoal frames that we plan to use for two of my black and white amateur photographs. They are large frames but the photo space is only for a 4"x6". Neat for the walls.*Now we're home, after my craving for a Genesis turkey burger and a grocery trip which will yield homemade guac (an Emeril recipe) for Craig, cheese, crackers, watermelon and Weight Watchers toffee crunch frozen chocolate bars, mmmm. Craig has been sleeping for hours after all of today's humidity (it was brutal! we are beat) and after I get the guac mashed and the snacks in order, I can't say a nap isn't in order for me. And I don't take naps. But what a weekend...what speed with which Friday turns into Sunday - no kidding.
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