Things are going really, really well. It's hard to explain, but there are certain times where I just feel as though this year might be full of incredible experiences for Craig and me. I was feeling that very much this weekend. Friday we stopped at Brother Jimmy's on our way home from work and ate barbecue. We were home early, so Craig started our restaurant wish list (using a website recommended by our friends Alison and Scott - Foodist Colony) and I messed around with the Nikon. Saturday morning we woke up pretty early and headed out for a city adventure. We kicked it off at Jamba Juice, where I ordered the Banana Berry smoothie and man, it was
good. From there, we were all over the grid. We ran a couple of important errands, swinging by several of the MLB statues as we walked...and walked, and walked...we walked a ton yesterday, resulting in two very, very exhausted individuals by about 5! We ate crepes at Shade Bar halfway through the day, and by 5 decided to travel to Alphabet City, where we inevitably are always overserved beers. We started at Bua, which is a newer find for us - we think the bartender has some seriously good music on her iPod, which she plays overhead to set a hip mood. It's mostly wood and exposed stone and brick wall, with black and white framed photos of Jeff Buckley all over the place because he used to play there all the time, and there are tables under an awning out front with large garage door windows so the bar feels open. There was such a nice breeze in there yesterday, and after so much walking, a couple of beers set to good music was enjoyable. Then we hit a couple of other new spots, and of course we couldn't let a night go by in Alphabet City without visiting Ricardo at Satsko. We had a blast - we always have so much fun there. It was just a really excellent day - fun, good exercise, good to see so much of the City (ranging from Midtown to Times Square to the Financial District to SoHo and Alphabet City) and to spend a Saturday out and about. We went back to Room and Board, because the New Couch purchase has had me concerned lately. The couch we fell in love with is 88" long. Our doorway is 79". The hallway outside of our apartment is 35" wide, and the narrowest portion of our apaartment's hallway is 31" wide. There are logistical dimensional issues with stuffing an 88" long couch into our apartment, ie.,
it's not happening. But the couch we would be able to fit, of the same model only smaller, is 68" which is essentially a love seat. So, I've been down about what to do...but we found the answer at Room and Board! There is another cool model upholstered in the same fabric that is 76"!! Hurray! It's even almost a bit hipper, maybe. Anyway, so that's settled...now I just need to reserve the funds and away we go - a new couch is in our near future.*I haven't completely gotten into the routine of the new apartment. I'm getting there, and I love it here but waking up in the mornings getting ready for work hasn't developed a routine yet for me. I fumble, a little. It's hard to explain. Anyway, today we headed to Central Park with a cooler filled with Vermont White Cheddar, kiwi, bananas, cherries and waters and Wheat Thins and books and iPods. We spent a few hours out there hanging out on the Great Lawn enjoying some peaceful sunshine. Now I have posted my weekly updates of photos and narrative and plan to kick off Sunday evening with Penne Vodka, asparagus and garlic bread. Then I am putting myself to work on some organization - my closet needs work as do a few dresser drawers. This has been such a great weekend. As always, I'm sad to see it come to a close. Next weekend: barbecue with friends in Westchester on Saturday, some apartment shopping on Sunday. We might even eat brunch at the nearby French restaurant D'Alsace. Who knows? We do what we want.*
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