My weekend has been really very good. I say this and I look to the sky with big thanks. I have very much needed a nice relaxing fun and regular weekend for quite some time now. And I finally got that.*Friday, I stayed home sick. Actually, I didn't stay home - I tried to go in, and couldn't even make it to my office. I don't want to talk about it but it was sure that I was sick and needed to go back home. Friday night, Craig had his fantasy football draft, and I served him platefuls of Nina's pizza slices and poured him Svedka cocktails with Sprite while he spent a couple of hours selecting his team. I watched "Weeds" for the first time - Craig has been telling me how good it is, and really, it is really a good show. I'm much more into it than I expected I'd be. Mary Louise Parker is amazing, and the storyline is so quirky and engaging. We have it on Netflix but it isn't one of the picks for soon - I think I'm going to move it up. Then Saturday morning we woke up pretty early and headed to our respective pampering appointments - I got my toes done by a really gentle and careful Asian man (best pedicure yet!!) and Craig got his hair cut. After that, we headed together to the subway and traveled the quick, wonderfully easy trip to Williamsburg, Brooklyn. There, we just walked and walked...probably walked for about 3 hours before deciding on a place for lunch called Juliette. I ordered a grilled chicken sandwich with smoked mozzarella, prosciutto, Jalapeno and on a crusty ciabatta roll, and Craig ordered a less tasty burger (I felt bad because my sandwich was so amazing!!) - then we headed back to our feet to walk some more. We returned to Radegast Hall for a beer but the place was swamped and they were severely understaffed, so then we traveled back to Manhattan to do some Alphabet City wandering. Alphabet City is just so unique, and being there is like experiencing an older version of New York, in my mind anyway. We found a few beers at a few bars, one bar in particular that we loved called Ten Degrees (nice mature atmosphere and Buy One Get One Free beers, awesome!) and then we headed to a sake bar called Decibel. It was so much fun...what a quirky little spot! And it's very difficult to find - it's somewhat hidden. We polished off the night with some sushi at Jewel Bako, but by this time, we had consumed enough beer and sake that we were demolished and ready to return home. Today we woke up around 9, showered and went for brunch at D'Alsace in the neighborhood. I ate Eggs Benedict and Craig tried the Apple Pancakes and we ordered fresh fruit and coffees. After brunch, I left Craig to spend time at the apartment and traveled to 59th and Lex to find some new clothes for this coming weekend when we head to Indianapolis for Corey and Brooke's wedding. Shopping so sucks. I mean, if there were decent clothing anywhere to be found it would be one thing. But no, instead I'm overwhelmed with loud printed strangely cut blouses and hideous pants and skirts - what is going on??? Anyway, I tried Urban Outfitters on 3rd Ave - usually a standby, for me. Nothing. Then I went to Banana Republic and luckily found a cute skirt and shirt for the Rehearsal Dinner and after party Friday night. I tried Levi's Store to no avail and then resigned myself to Bloomingdale's, which seriously has nothing but overpriced tags. I gathered approximately 20 dresses in my arms to try on, and the above shown is the end result. It's cute...and Craig likes it (I modeled it for him when I got home) but what a freaking headache to get to that point! And I will never admit to anyone (except to Craig, who almost fell off the couch in shock) what I paid for this thing. It's embarrassing. But, the thing is, I liked it the best and truthfully, right now I'm financially sound enough to go through with such a purchase. And I have been stressing about what to wear to this wedding for too many weeks, so now it's resolved.*I don't remember if I ever posted about the moving day and what happened in the old apartment when my friend Amanda tried to help move stuff from our closets to the new apartment. She called me up (I was at the new place) and said, "KB, there is another closet that I can clean out for you, if you want..." and I practically shouted with severity, "DON'T GO IN THERE!!" When I headed back over to the old place, she and Lauren were sitting on the couch taking a break and I said, "Amanda, aren't you DYING to open that closet, after the way I reacted to you?" and she was laughing and said, "Yes, I'm pretty much wondering if there are dead bodies in there..." I explained that I had like FIVE bridesmaids dresses stocked in there, and that more than likely I would not be moving those but would be depositing them at the nearby Good Will. That prompted a whole conversation about bridesmaids dresses and how funny it is that EVERY single bride, no matter who she is or how smart or how fashionable, will always, always stake the claim that "you can wear the dress again!" oh, oh, as if any bridesmaids dress is suited for anything other than someone else's Big Day. Of course there is that movie out now with Katherine Heigl about being in 27 weddings, none her own, and despite the fact that the movie itself isn't the best, I do laugh at how useless it is for a girl to spend a couple of hundred dollars on a dress that is clearly meant to look hideous in order to help the bride shine, as if she won't already, in her newly wedded bliss! But nothing will change...those dresses are constantly not re-wearable. How I got to all of this is that the dress shown above is surely a dress I can re-wear - Craig said, "When we go to a club..." (cute - we don't go to clubs).*I'm so happy to have had a decent weekend. I feel stronger already, as if taking a few pivotal steps toward my betterment has begun to interact with my mind at last. I hope to see even greater improvement as time passes.*This week will fly by - tomorrow we are seeing a Pre-Season Giants Game at the Meadowlands, and Wednesday is our last day of work for the week before our trip to Indianapolis. Thursday, when we land, we are driving straight to Bloomington to meet the newest addition to the Kristin string of nephews, Jay Rhoda, the newborn son of my best college friend Jenny who is the one who got married the year we moved to New York City. Then we will head back to Indy and spend some time with Kara and Ben and Brady. Thursday night we might meet Craig's friends out, and Friday we hope to have lunch with Tim, Angela and their baby Ryan. Friday evening is the Rehearsal Dinner, and Saturday is the wedding...Sunday we see my parents and brother and blood nephew and Sunday evening we return home. It's a lot of stuff to cram into a weekend, but it's good for us to get back to the people who love and miss us. Sometimes I wonder why we don't just move back home, but then again, our situation has been unique. We've seen and done a lot, and in such a short time. So we will keep loving those that we love and hope we aren't far from their minds.*
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