above: the "master" or "main" bedroom. tiny, eh?

one of the reasons i love this place...the light, oh, the light.

they're still cleaning. that is not our stuff.

can you say Hideous kitchen tile art? why? oh, why??

i bet i could make some mini muffins in this kitchen.

the view from our new bedroom. looks like a lot of fun windows and white brick.

Ohhh no. Craig is not happy! We managed to get the keys to the new place tonight - I walked to 82nd with all of this exuberance, the management ladies handed me the keys, and of course, the keys didn't work once I got back to our street and we tried to let ourselves in. So Craig talked to our super, and he had another key which worked, and Craig's doom filled the new apartment like this huge cloud. Oh. Okay, there are problems, surely. But he's quick to forget how awful our place now seemed with none of our stuff in it. Maybe we made a hasty decision, but I will not back down from it...Craig has spent most of the night engineering our new shelving plan for our "pantry". And I whipped up some mean delicious stuffed shells to help us celebrate the new place...the apartment Craig seems to loathe!!! I have a lot of faith that once we get moved in, he will change his tune. Seriously, when we moved into
this apartment, which we so adore, early on he felt like we were entering some sort of weird pilgrimmage of small apartment living. But he's since grown to love the place. Hopefully the same will apply to the new apartment!*I don't want to reveal that I fear that the couch we want to buy will by no means fit down the 35" hallway of the building much less the 31" hallway of our apartment. Are there other means of stuffing furniture through small corridors? Can we lean it to one side and make it happen?? Oh, who knows...who knows that this is the right thing to do. We sort of lucked out with our first Manhattan apartment. It pretty much rocks. And now we're headed down the street...I hope it proves to be worth our while. Oh, I hope!
In the second picture...is that the green awning of "The Ladies" across the street? Wow! You guys AREN'T moving far! :)
The pics of the new place look great! I'm sure CB will grow to love it!!
That kitchen is totally fine to cook in, it looks exactly like ours in London! You just have to be less sloppy. :p
AB...yes, we are right across the street from the ladies! LT...I will inform Craig that if we moved to London, we wouldn't get anything bigger - he will demand to see your kitchen through the Telectroscope as proof, though. :)
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