above: old view from window; below: new

It's Sunday morning and we're moved, for the most part. Thursday night we received the keys unofficially so that we could get into the new apartment to build our pantry shelving that we purchased at the Container Store. Well, Craig did this while I slowly moved kitchen items down the street. There was some brief struggling with the shelving but once it was built, we were both impressed and in awe of the possibilities! Friday morning we woke up super early and got things going. I moved a ton of stuff while Craig primed and painted the new walls for our rust orange color. It was really quite the way to move, packing boxes and unpacking and organizing them box by box versus having everything piled in boxes all at once. We made great progress Friday so we treated ourselves to Taco Taco guacamole and enchiladas and hibiscus margaritas and Pacificos. This weekend is the Subway Series so we decided to catch a few innings at Genesis with a couple of beers. Alas, halfway through our first pints, our eyes were drooping and we concluded we couldn't stay out much longer. By 9 o'clock we were in bed! Saturday morning we shot up early again and tried to get things in good order before our friends were to arrive. Jeff and Lauren showed up, followed closely by Amanda and then Scott and Alison. They were such great help - much appreciated! There was a lot of grunting and sweat over one of the bigger dressers but overall, success was ours. The guys even swiftly pulled off the transfer of the 50" television, which worried me the most. So, we're about 98% of the way in now, with a few odds and ends left at our old place and the rest of today to wrap up the move. I feel pretty confident that we can gain control over the remaining boxes today. I didn't photo document the move as I predicted I might, but it's probably best because most of us didn't look exactly glamorous in our sweaty brows. Anyway, many thanks to our moving crew - we will be hosting an apartment warming party for them once we're settled and we've established some ownership of the place. The pantry is the shining star of the apartment thus far, but we're loving the amount of light in the living room and even our bedroom seems to be working out better here. We hope to have the second bedroom clear for Brian and Julie's visit this weekend. We won't have our new couch yet (there are still size logistics unresolved) but at least we can fit the air mattress in there for them so that they can have their own room while in town. Yesterday Alison kept saying over and over again that she completely understood why we moved down the street and that this apartment is tons of times better. I agree. The possibilities are a little wider open here. Well, after posting a mechanical response to the move (sorry for the lack of typical KB gushing...I'm exhausted and there is lots more to be done) I'm off to work again! Two things to note about the move: 1. Every item we own seems to have just fit perfectly somehow, from dressers to overhead rubbermaid bins! and 2. We managed to just miss the torrential downpours yesterday. I was relieved. Off to kiss our old apartment goodbye and embrace the new...thanks again a million to our good friends Jeff, Lauren, Amanda, Alison and Scott for their muscles and support. It was great to see them all, even in such sweaty circumstance!
I love the new view!
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