Yesterday was monumental for me. It marked my last day traveling out to Queens for our project. I jubilantly strolled across the Citi Field parking lot, smiling like an idiot, probably, but it felt so good to be embarking on my last day out there. Don't get me wrong: many, many brilliant memories have formed over the course of the past few years, some related to the job, others completely unrelated. However, there've also been a whole host of haunting experiences to arise from this. I can only push forward and acknowledge that I've learned a lifetime's worth of wisdom from the things I've seen, heard and done. But that won't change just how elated I was to wrap up that office yesterday. Beginning in February 2007, we reported to an office with walls painted sea foam green with turquoise trim, with shoddy conduit running haphazardly and cheap ugly ductwork overhead, stale air, and no windows. Oh, and then there was
that smell in one of my boss' offices.
That smell. We figured it was either a dead rat or perhaps the MIA superintendent from Louisiana (no one ever seemed to know where he disappeared to!) I know there are a number of people that work in conditions far worse than we did, but not having windows (I'm such a day dreamer and no windows literally killed that characteristic of mine) was brutal. I appreciated having a job, the whole time, because New York City is expensive and our lifestyle isn't thrifty by any means. But today was a new day, a beautiful one, wherein we smacked the snooze button a few extra times and took the subway 2 stops to the corporate office of our partner's where we will work for a few weeks, possibly months? Other co-workers have been there for a while now, but today was my first day, my blessed exciting and easy commute, my divorce from the 7 train, my exposure to
options for lunch! (We ate across the street, a group of us.) And the corporate environment is one that I particularly don't mind, I reasoned today. I've had bad corporate exposure before, but today's differed in that it felt amicable. I think that seeing so many familiar faces assisted in that. I had a great day, and hope to have a great tomorrow and the next day and the next. I'm finally just settling into "happy" after the mountains of frustrations I've been scaling for what feels like years now. And! Autumn has arrived! It's unusually chilly but I love it! Sleeves! Sleeves pulled down over the palms of my hands! Scarves! Cords! I could go on. Autumn, particularly in New York City, is probably the most comforting season. It's easy to slide into. This morning, our bedroom was amazing. With the window open, the chilled air cooled the pillows and exterior of the comforter, mmmm! I love nothing more than to throw a leg over chilled blankets or wrap my arms around or press my cheek to cool fabric. Welcome, autumn!*We went to Williamsburg last weekend, in Brooklyn. We are very much discussing a possible move there, if we land the project we're pursuing. It'd be because of a combination of things. Subway construction has train wrecked 2nd Avenue, which breaks my heart. I love 2nd Avenue so much. I always have (since we've lived here). We'd like the possibility at a newer unit, one with nicer amenities and a little more space. Williamsburg is 1 subway stop on the L away from our favorite East Village area, and Alphabet City. Our commute to the Brooklyn job would be easy: we'd travel through Manhattan, take the L to the 4/5 (whichever one crosses the river into Brooklyn) and probably be no more than half an hour away, one way. And Williamsburg is definitely a trendy, hipster place, one where we'd like to grow to blend into. While having a beer at a great bar on Bedford Ave, sitting in the fish bowl seats, Craig concluded it might be easier for me to "fit" into the neighborhood than him (throw on a fashion scarf, a cute hat and maybe a blue streak in my hair!), but I disagree - aside from his preppy polo shirts and khakis, he'd figure out how to manage! Over the years, he's become extremely comfortable around artsy types. Everyone loves him - he can blend in anywhere. So, we'll see. Things change on a dime, especially since we don't even have that job and could always wind up being transitioned out of this City (boo!)*In other news, before I head out to relax this evening, my restaurant review guide is postponed now with no established start time. I received an email from Kaelin (my to-be managing editor) yesterday, and she explained that there's been an obstacle that has affected their small company and it is requiring that all of their resources commit to correct or overcome whatever that is/was, which I understand, but of course, it does devastate me a diddy bit. I have been so excited to get this thing going. Anyway, Kaelin assured me that they are happy with my enthusiasm and that as soon as they overcome the thing, that we'll get going and it's still my role, to be editor. This may be a blessing, the delay, because perhaps I will be stronger and more able with the onset of the next few weeks. Who knows? Everything happens for a reason. Well, mostly.*Esther's wedding in a couple of weeks! It's the weekend of Craig's birthday (33!) That's the point where we will be ONE MONTH AWAY (plus a handful of days) from our trip to Europe! Ohmygosh I could just fall down with anticipation. So much to do before then, though! So many chores! Errands! Things to learn! Oy!
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