Home alone, again! No, as much as I miss Craig, it is kind of nice, too, briefly, to have some quiet KB time. Last night I accomplished quite a bit before falling asleep on the couch until 4 a.m., at which point my eyes tried to unstick themselves open (contacts in) so that I could snap off the tellie and crawl into bed for a few hours. So, of course, when the buzzer sounded at 6:30, I was conked out and dreaming that someone wouldn't turn off that annoying buzzing sound, when lo and behold, at 7:30, I realized that it was my annoying buzzing sound! I sped through my shower/lunch packing/etc., and was out the door by 7:40 (though Craig will never, ever believe that!) (well, and, 7:30 is actually 7:20 since we have the clock set 10 minutes fast.) Oh, well. It's slow at the office with so many people away, and with the gradual descent/shutdown of the job. I called myself a slacker when I made it in, no worries. Tonight I am again roasting chicken split bone-in breasts, and instead of crashing the mad flavor with salad dressing, I'm eating it solo alongside my creamy Parmesan orzo and asparagus. I toyed with the idea of a goat cheese sauce for the chicken, but decided against the hassle, since I'm only aiming to impress myself tonight. :) Today was a long, long day, but with everything I accomplished, I made it through, at least! Tonight's plans include popping in some old Dexter after I clean the apartment somewhat, and old Dexter is like Christmas Day around here, for me, at least.*I shot the above photo in Chicago and was pleased with the results, mainly with the depth of the colors, and the lack of noise in my blacks (that's so hard with a dSLR unless you've got mad skills, which I do not.) I love my Nikon. It might be my best friend second only to Craig. So, while we were hanging out with all of the babies, we became enlightened that little Brady loves ladders. No one is quite sure why, but it's intriguing. Of course, I love the idea that a child is obsessed with something so rife with meaning as ladders. :) He calls Craig's dad "Papa" and kept demanding to see "Papa's Ladder." I swooned over this. Once, he even threw a mini tantrum because late one night we wouldn't let him see "Papa's Ladder." Then Brady also has this thing where he calls the other men in his life "Misters." He called his Uncle Dave "Mr. Dave" and his Uncle Craig "Mr. Craig." Last night, Craig ate over at Kara's while he was in Indy, and this morning in the car on their way to daycare, Brady asked Kara, "When is Mr. Craig going to visit again?" (swoon!) That reminded me of when he was calling me "sissin" when he couldn't pronounce "Kristin" and how he woke up one morning asking for "sissin." I love the babies! They are nothing but a big batch of cuddly cuteness and brilliance.*Before signing off and getting back to my regularly scheduled KB program, I want to remind myself that filling out recipe cards is one of my loves. My recipe book is sorely missing out right now. I've found like a trillion new recipes in the past year and not filled out one recipe card in recent history. Not cool. Must make note.*Also, Eberhart has written us a lease extension thru October 31st. Oh, please, please, please, Brooklyn work assignment, happen. Please. It would make right around 6 or 10 people I know very, very happy, along with maybe around 20 others. No. sleep. til Brooklyn! (Beastie Boys get played regularly around our office these days.) Enough for now, off for a night.
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