
- Change into Saturday clothes out of jammies.
- Make bed.
- Write grocery list for Craig's mom's chili that he is making us tonight.
- Include on that list a few other stray items, like I Can't Believe it's Not Butter.
- Go to Key Food for grocery items. First, travel further north on second to Ace for Drano because our shower is at that stage where it's time and the fabric shower liner is beginning to waft scents that smell like stinky feet.
- Return home. Unload grocery items into various cooled or room temperatured locations in apartment.
- Begin the fridge cleaning operation, which could be really unfun considering the number of containers containing leftovers from...a while back.
- Unload dishwasher.
- Load dishwasher with stray items like the kickass Fat Tire pint glass I'm drinking Diet Coke from right now because going to Dunkin Donuts for iced coffees didn't rank very high this a.m.
- Clean apartment. Begin in bedroom. Slowly drift through rooms cleaning, all the while washing the bath mat, shower liner, stray bath towels, kitchen towels, etc. across the street at the Ladies'.
- Listen to music all this time and avoid contact with other iPhone stuff and computer! Principally it will keep me focused.
- Maybe receive my first installment of Cooking Light today?????? If so, pour over.
- Contemplate finishing taxes, but maybe think better of that and leave it until Sunday.
- Eat a box of Kraft Mac & Cheese for lunch! Because I can. Suck it, Weight Watchers.
- Cease to feel guilty about not going to work because I will have accomplished a lot around here and neglecting home life is wrong, just wrong!
And that, Miss Kristin, is your day. Make it happen. If all is resolved in timely fashion, Arrested Development marathon can take place later this afternoon! Ready, set, GO!
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