It's Sunday, a beautiful stay-at-home Sunday which finds Craig and I catching up on stuff. I want to get tons accomplished today: watch all recorded tv shows, jot some recipes down into my fancy recipe book, sort through papers, clean the apartment, and so forth. I completed my taxes so that I know what I owe (I'm a responsible tax paying citizen) and have eaten a bagel, had some coffee, and plan to post pictures later from our Indiana trip (which will be my dedicated post to our trip home, which was quite amazing and memorable). Work is hectic, to say in the least. We're all exhausted and are committing to weekend work to wipe paper off our desks. We went in yesterday and stayed nearly a whole day, then rested up at home before heading to the theater for our Valentine's date. I recall seeing
Hedda Gabler in college, but for the life of me I cannot recall who played Hedda. I even checked with Lauren Thursday night at her Creek Creative show, and she was foggy about the memory, as well. But anyway, after dedicating a lot of
Weeds viewing time, I've determined Mary Louise Parker is one crush of Craig's I absolutely do not mind him having! She's phenomenal - beautiful, frail, smart, strong and interesting as Nancy Botwin. Well, she won me over as Hedda, as well. Critics have been tearing her apart for weeks since the opening of
Hedda Gabler at the Roundabout Theater. I'm pleased with much that I see on stage, anyway, but from my perspective, Hedda's depth was more than displayed by Mary Louise. Craig liked the show, too, and obviously enjoyed being in the same room (albeit a large room) with his
other girlfriend for a couple of hours on Valentine's Day! After the show, we headed in a cab to Brick Lane for our 11 o'clock reservations. Our dining experience wasn't quite as good the second time around, but that was more an issue of what we ordered. I braved the vindaloo, which is the spiciest of the curries on their list with the exception of the Phaal (which we now know from Man v. Food requires that the chef wear a gas mask to cook) and man, do they mean business with their vindaloo! And our appetizer was a cold potato salad that we didn't like as much as their cauliflower appetizer. I do love that Brick Lane serves Boddington, as I also love the heavenly scent of the curries that fill the room. We came home after dinner and crashed. I anticipate that the next few weeks will bring plenty of exhaustion, but in the end, it will be worth it.*I'm feeling splendid today. I want to embrace spring soon. This winter has been miserable. Oh, I finally finished
New Moon yesterday. I'm taking a hiatus from the teen vampire books because I simply can't continue to torture myself with how poorly they are written. I do need to know the ending, though, and will eventually find out Bella's sappy stupid fate. Happy Sunday!
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