Sunday already?? It's been way too short, for a long weekend. They all seem shorter these days. Craig had to go in Friday morning, despite having the day "off", then we enjoyed the rest of our Friday and Saturday as usual. Saturday we headed to the North Woods in Central Park and discovered that we kind of like it up there. It's less crowded and feels very, well, wooded. Then we found ourselves in the Conservatory Garden, where I saw this rainbow in a fountain. There were lots of wedding parties in the midst of photography shoots, which I found to be wonderful and romantic. What better backdrop for wedding photos than an urban park? Nice. Anyway, we watched
Forgetting Sarah Marshall this weekend - I bought it sight unseen, and I must admit, I found it to be profoundly entertaining. It wasn't the same kind of funny as
Knocked Up, but it was certainly clever and smart. We also watched all of the bonus features, which I found to be thoroughly hilarious, too. Speaking of hilarious (and crass, and so wrong yet so right) this morning we watched Chris Rock's special
Kill the Messenger. I was in stitches, particularly with his content regarding the election and Obama and McCain. The whole thing had me howling, really. I'm not a huge stand up comedy fan - it takes some really theatrical antics to hold my interest, but after we watched it, I wouldn't let Craig erase it from our DVR box! I'm really all over the place in this post, in part because I'm tired and massaging a tequila hangover (we drank Tequila Sunrises and Wii-bowled last night), in part because I haven't been spontaneously inspired to write anything here more recently, in part because I'm distracted with Craig on the phone with his mom in the background and watching the White Sox play baseball. But I did want to post a little tonight. I kicked Craig out of the living room a few hours ago to re-watch "Our Father" from last weekend's Dexter to prime up for tonight. I picked up on a couple of things I hadn't noticed in the first handful of viewings of it. I really think this season is going to be insane. The few Dexter viewers I have at work weren't happy with the first episode, so I've been watching it for little clues as to what might be in store for us. Crazy, how brilliantly written that show is. I love it.*Life is good for us right now. We've got an Andrew Bird concert at a new venue tomorrow night with Lauren and Jeff (new as in we've not yet been to it - new to us). This is Craig's birthday month, which I just love. Craig just purchased our tickets to fly to Indiana for the Purdue football game Halloween weekend. My parents are traveling here in mid-November to visit us in lieu of us flying to Detroit for Thanksgiving. The rest of the year is booking up, and looking good. We're having a lot of fun together. I'm loving every minute of it! And I certainly feel blessed, because in this American crisis that is our present day mess, we are financially (temporarily) still on our feet. It's really hard to swallow what's happening. It's strange, and unsettling. I hope the election this year results in positive change. It goes without saying, we need it something fierce.*Off to decide what's for dinner, penne vodka or walnut pesto. And to count down the hours until Dexter.
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