October yields cooler temps, and with that, there are several things I'm going to miss. I think I have difficulty transitioning. Each year, as the seasons shift, I become nostalgic for what I've grown to love from that season. Most summers, for instance, it takes me a while to get my bare feet out. I have pretty unsightly feet. They're just not that cute. But pedicures are a great response to unattractive feet, and my pedicurists up the street seem able to turn even my feet into okay summertime bare feet. So, once I get into flip flops, I really can't wear much else and now that temperatures are cooling off, my bare feet want to be out in the open but it's too chilly for that! I'm writing all of this primarily because this morning we are going shoe shopping in Union Square. I'm going to try to remedy my nostalgia for bare feet with cute shoes. Take also for instance iced coffee, which I've grown to crave in the mornings. I don't recall the last cup of hot coffee I had, with the exception of a yummy latte from Mud a few weekends ago. But once I gear up and transition into fall and winter - sleeves, layers, hats, scarves, boots - I really love that period of time and it takes me to a different frame of mind. I suppose I'm not the only one that takes a while easing from season to season.*Anyway, work has been hectic. We're taking it easy today, aside from shopping for shoes, and I'm going to actually get some organization accomplished. My closet is dreadful. I have a nicely sized shelf in there that is not being used to capacity. And in a matter of weeks, the new couch will arrive (so long overdue and so highly anticipated) and we need to have the second bedroom ready to receive the dumb squeaky futon. Right now, that room is a holding cell for miscellaneous. My refrigerator could use some re-organization, and there are other chores I'd love to tackle today. Despite the gorgeous weather out there, it's a good day to get things done. Tomorrow we are headed to New Jersey for a Jets game with our friend Scott and his buddy. That pretty much kills the afternoon, so working today toward tidiness is wise. I don't want to come home tomorrow to a mess.*Above pictured is the newly updated "booze cart". Craig bought a bottle of Belvedere Vodka and Maker's Mark whiskey to add to our collection of tequilas. Behind the Maker's is a trashy bottle of Lemoncello which we will never, ever, ever drink! It's only a start, but Craig would like to have a bottle collection. Then below pictured are two new bottles of wine I purchased. I need to figure out a decent way to showcase my wines. We have our eye on an Ikea book shelf, but the one time we traveled to the new Brooklyn Ikea, that shelf was sold out. It might be a good place for my wines. Or perhaps I could find a tall wine rack to place next to the booze cart?*Monday night, before I forget to mention, Craig and I met Jeff at this Malaysian restaurant called the Fatty Crab in the Meatpacking District. I saw Alan Cumming on a bike (!!!) which was hilarious (prior to meeting Jeff) and the food at the Fatty Crab was amazing. Craig and I ate steamed pork buns with this pile of delicious cilantro greens concoction before Jeff arrived, and then we all shared Malay Fish Fry with tumeric tempura, crab curry and green chili tamaki, a Watermelon Pickle and Crispy Pork Salad (the watermelon rind is pickled and served like salad with a few large squares of actual watermelon), Skate Panggang on a banana leaf and a Chicken Claypot with ginger, green chili and tofu. Even Craig liked the tofu! I will go back again and again. I loved it. Afterwards, we headed to the Hiro Ballroom to meet Lauren for Andrew Bird. The Hiro Ballroom! It's a gorgeous venue in the Maritime Hotel decked in dark wood and deep intimate booths and paper lanterns of all sizes hanging from a dark arched ceiling. Andrew Bird sounded great, but it was not as quality, to me, as the last show we all saw of his. Anyway, we had a great night.*This coming week is Craig's birthday week. Thursday night Lauren is performing, and we have Friday off again (using up vacation days). Friday morning we are going for brunch at Mud again, and will probably wander around the City enjoying all it has to offer. Saturday is his actual birthday! 32! A good year! And we just may celebrate at the Old Homestead Steakhouse - it all depends on what he feels like. Life is good and getting better, which I know is strange to say because of the fierce decline of the economy. I haven't checked my 401k because I don't want the bad news. Maybe I'm living in this protected New York City bubble where I don't have mouths to feed (other than mine and Craig's) or gas prices to fear or an insurmountable mound of debt to pay (although I do have enough to conquer), and while other times I've felt sad that we haven't yet begun a family, for now, it's probably for the best. I don't know how we'd manage with little ones at this rate. The election is less than a month away. Craig and I are going to make a night of it. And we're voting. We're not the most righteous political issues followers but this year, we are all making a mark, regardless if we live in a City which has already established its alliance. Lots happening.*
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