September 02, 2019


flowers for rob

rob's sleater-kinney shirt that i now possess because i made him let me have it

oktoberfest pretzel at the german beer hall where i had drinks with new coworkers friday

Labor Day, another one down now. Rob was upstate with his Mom and drove down, parked the car and took the train down, came to my place.

(I have a major headache right now so forgive any misspellings.)

We ate Mediterranean delivery food and talked a ton...I'm so smitten that I feel like I need to scale my emotions back a little so that I don't slam my skull figuratively to the sidewalk. 

Falling in love is like growing a garden in your brain, heart and physical being. We are obviously harvesting something but with *her* in the way, it's turbulent.

We have a major October together (if this sticks) including but not limited to seeing The Joker together (I can't wait for that!), Sleater-Kinney in BK, and my Aunt Claude and Uncle Jim visiting NYC at end of October (and I hope Rob meets them.)

We talked about winter. We walked to Austin Street for coffee before he left for BK. We held hands a lot which is probably one of my favorite things in the whole world. 

So, it would appear that we will remain on-hold "ish" until the separation is actual.

For the time being, it's not experiencing forward progress.


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