The funny thing is that I posed these bottles to utilize the "macro" feature of my camera, which is less functional with an 18-55mm lens than with another more "macro" lens, but I wound up not even setting the mode to that - instead, played again with really large apertures manually. These pictures are boring and trite, but I learned from them. A while back, in my writing studies, I read, and heard from Sharon an echo of the same sentiment, to ask
Why? It's a simple question loaded with possibilities. For instance, employing enjambent:
why? What is the role of that last word of a line followed by its successor on the next line? Did it contribute to the rhythm? What was its purpose? Or for instance take a fiction character and place him or her in a setting -
why? What is important about placing that character there at that point in the narrative? So, that said, loosely and vaguely as I said it, I decided to apply the same question to the photographs I will continue to amateurly shoot. I don't have any questions for Photo 1. It's rather a snapshot of Wines of Spain, of which I will speak shortly. Photo 2 - what is the focus, exactly? Why that angle? What gives with not seeing the stem of the glass? And of Photo 3 I'd ask, How do the blurred background maps contribute to the wine bottles - are they maps of Spain to match the Spanish wine? (no.) Then what? These are things I will be thinking about as I trudge on with my Amateur Creativehood.*So, Tuesday night (thank goodness tomorrow is Friday finally) Craig and I met Alison and Scott at Divine Bar, W. 54th and 8th Ave, for the Wines of Spain tasting. It was my treat to Craig after he treated me to the Italian one for my birthday, and I must say - we were all rather impressed with Wines of Spain. Alison and Scott have been to Spain - not to Rioja, which is one of their favorite wine regions, but they are familiar with Spain nonetheless and were excited to try more grapes (ie., the fruit of the grapes' labor - wine!) Craig passionately declared several times that he could definitely get on board with Wines of Spain, so the above pictured bottles (with the exception of Sur from Argentina, which is Mister Wine's "staff favorite" so I snatched it up for $10) are from Spain. Additionally, the bottle we took to the new sushi place last night was positively at a table the other night at tasting. We kept hearing "oak barrel" and "smoky" in the descriptions, so we decided we like that characteristic in a wine.*This weekend is going to be exciting. Friday is dinner in Astoria with Eric and Lynne, Saturday is our hot, humid NYC adventure to be topped with German Beer with Jeff in Alphabet City and probably fusion sushi again, since I love it so much. The Nikon D will be on my hip, but I'm not promising greatness, given the fact I still have no idea what is really happening when I push buttons on that thing. Oh, for more hours in the day!
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