Tonight Craig and I ran around snapping photographs of the apartment with the Nikon while I had meatloaf and potatoes happening in the kitchen. We didn't come up with much because neither of us focused (so to speak) on the task, but we just wanted a few last images of our first New York apartment. We tried to capture the orange wall - hey, orange wall! - and the swell organization of our living room shelves, and the basic interior design we employed in the apartment, at least in this room. Our other rooms are too cluttered to capture in photos, at this time. Speaking of organization - I swear, I gave the 2nd bedroom
my all tonight in terms of packing and organizing, but it's still a giant (miniature) mass of
disorganization. Living in Manhattan in our first apartment with such slight real estate, I've come to maximize the use of dresser drawers. In other words, my dresser drawers are a train wreck! I've got piles and piles of unused clothing and old fiction and several stacks of tax returns just kind of piled in these drawers. Whoa, moving is kind of a mess. I forgot, I guess. It has, after all, been two years since we've done this! Anyway, I did fill two boxes tonight. Craig did, also. So we're up to four whole boxes between the two of us and maybe we'll just throw everything else out. Ha! Right. I just hope that when we swing open the door of the new apartment (it will be heavily photographically documented, trust me!) we're as excited for a new apartment layout as we were back when we saw it. When I lay eyes on a kitchen smaller than the palm of my hand, I might freak out. Let's just see it unfold, the whole thing - the move, the reaction, and the transition from one building to another down the street!!*
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