I had an exceptionally long day today. Things can go along so smoothly sometimes, and then other times they just fall apart. Today wasn't a falling apart day, but it certainly wasn't smooth either.*In my new position, I'm being tasked with things that are far, far different than what I anticipated to learn. It's alright: I gravitate toward change and toward new things, right? So I suppose the things I'm absorbing right now at work are just a whole new planet of observation that I never expected to visit. But I also miss the things I didn't get the chance to do. I hear it happening, all of the buzz around me, and I'm no longer a part of it and it just makes me feel like when I was in first, second, third and fourth grades, and on, when I wasn't part of the whispering because I was the new kid and no one wanted to share secrets with the new kid. That's how I feel some days, as a 30 year old adult in the work place. Unbelievable.*But I don't want to exacerbate my bad feelings. I'd rather acknowledge the good.*Tonight I left work a little early, roughly 10 minutes before 5, to deliver a package to the Post Office near our apartment which closes at 6. Wouldn't you know, I climbed onto the 7 train and the conductor announced that there would be
heavy delays riding into Manhattan, so the best bet was to transfer to the E, F, V or R at 74th Street. It took us a decent 20 minutes to get to 74th Street, and once there, I rushed downstairs to the platform only for an F to arrive, which I didn't want - I wanted the E. As luck would have it, I didn't wait too long for the E, jumped on it and was happily traveling toward Manhattan, although I'm not as familiar with that trip so I had to jump up a couple of times to scrutinize the subway map. Some transfers are tricky, if you're not used to New York. Luckily, I'm okay.*And wouldn't you know, I made it to the Post Office
breaths before they locked the doors. So my package (an errand for Craig) went out. And then I went to the grocery store for stray items for tonight, came home, worked out for half an hour, copied down a recently discovered recipe with roasted red peppered flavored chicken and orzo, and Craig came home juggling the above posted unflowered flowers (they will certainly split wide open within a day or two!) He brought these to me because I ran an errand for him tonight. How thoughtful! And I proceeded with our Thai Chicken Wraps (second time I've made these) plus a sauteed spinach and roasted red pepper side dish - the latter, we both decided, deserved more garlic than I used. But I wilted fresh spinach on my own tonight, for the first time ever! Cooking broccoli rabe the other night was far easier than wilting fresh spinach. There's this sensitivity that should be applied with wilting of fresh spinach. I think I did okay.*So, despite the fact that I have nothing of real worth to post tonight, I will have no other chance this week to post so I felt I needed to do so. Tomorrow and Thursday Craig and I have overindulgent (and free to us) Mets tickets while they play the Cardinals. I tried to talk him out of tomorrow's tickets, which are the lesser of the good tickets, but he explained to me calmly that we have not been to see a lot of baseball games this year, so we should eat this up. Friday we're seeing Lauren's new Rock Operetta for which she composed all the music and which depicts (on stage) the last year of Martin Luther King's life, evidently. Sounds exciting and this week the press is at the shows so she wants us there. Saturday morning Craig and I will welcome Dustin and Fiona (the couple that got married in England earlier this year) to our home and will spend all of Saturday with a group of Fi's friends and Dustin in the City. Basically, Sunday is my next free day. I hope Sunday will be somewhat of a free day for Craig and me. Meaning, I hope we won't be expected to make any appearances anywhere. And I hope by then I'm not 25 lbs. more of me again. I intend to watch myself closely these next few days. Portion control will be in play.*
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