A couple of weekends ago I purchased a twenty dollar stocking cap whose future would be abandonment at some bar on the Upper West Side. It was such a nice cap: black cableknit with an inner rim of warm fuzzy cotton right around the ears. And it was twenty dollars. That's a lot for a hat. So, since I left it behind for some innocent discovery by a hatless passer-by, I decided tonight, on my way home from work, to swing by Orva for another hat and perhaps a sweater to wear Thanksgiving Day. I found both a hat (as seen above) and a sweater (not shown), neither which blew my mind but both which satisfied the curious itch to blow some cash, an illness from which I do suffer on rare occasion. Craig would call it a more common occurrence. Anyway, the new hat is much cooler than the black cableknit prissy cap. The sweater is neither here nor there.*I don't have a lot of time to write tonight, and I also don't have much motivation. Tonight marked a night where I arrived home at a reasonable hour even having left after 5, having shopped at Orva, stopped for cash, and stopped for random other errands. I awaited Craig's arrival home shortly after mine, then followed him around the apartment exchanging conversation with him. He prepared a bag for the ladies, and I continued to chatter with him, all the while
not preparing dinner. He kept dropping cute hints, such as,
Wow, I can't believe dinner was made when I got home tonight (sarcasm), and a little later,
Did you just finish dinner while I was at the ladies? (sarcasm), and finally,
I was only in the bathroom for two minutes - I can't believe you made dinner so quickly! Dinner tonight was only Orzo, Chicken, Mushrooms and Asiago, the easiest dinner since mankind was born, so I hastily threw it together after all of his subtle hints that he was hungry, and needless to say, he was happy with the result. I made asparagus that had slight bruises and for the record, Craig doesn't miss the most minor discoloring so he complained about the asparagus. But aside from his comments, dinner was good (including our greens) and following dinner we indulged in warm cookies - the kind that come in perforated squares of dough and are best baked on a nice firm surface like a cookie sheet but will bake okay on a flimsy surface like foil, in a pinch. I requested two and he made me three. And they were delicious, like little bites of heaven, he called them, but we will pay later when we notice the scales tipping to the dark side. Luckily there are fitness centers at our resort in Cabo.*One more day until Thanksgiving. One more day until our parents meet one another face to face. It will be fine. Our parents are all respectively good people. Really, I imagine it unfolding like a typical parents-meet-parents scene: one or two are annoyed in the smallest way, the others are shrugging it off; or heck, maybe they will all be automatic best friends and Craig and I will walk away unscathed. I just don't know what to expect.*Happy Thanksgiving, and Happy Congrats to our friends Djay and Diana who gave birth early, early this morning to their little girl named Cameron. Craig and I are going to have to get a credit card at Toys-R-Us to keep up with the gifts for the births of our friends' babies. Maybe it's all a sign.*
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