Above pictured is a bag that rivals our apartment in size. Today's priority was to track down and purchase such an item, seeing as the only set of luggage I previously had to drag to another continent on the globe was a ratty burgundy-colored sorry excuse for a set of luggage which I found was not even managing to travel my shoe selection, much less clothing and shoes and dressy clothes (for the wedding) and every other minor bit of my life I always feel the need to pack along for a trip (the
just in case stash, although, just in case of
what, I have no idea). So anyway, this morning we ate bagels and drank coffee. Then we left the apartment together and wandered to 86th Street, where we split up: he headed to the GAP, and I headed to 59th Street and Lex via the 5 train (thank goodness the Express trains are running on weekends!) to track down Lexington Luggage. Before I continue, I want to insert that I am not a shopping fan. This is not to say I don't do my fair share of it, or that I don't enjoy a new article of clothing or scarf or bag or what have you as much as the next girl. But I cannot shop successfully,
ever. I know in my head what my "style" should be, but when I find stores to browse I never seem to find anything that I would qualify as me-ish, which leads me to then purchase a stack of clothing that doesn't seem quite
like me but will satisfy the yearning for
something new to wear. Today I just so happened to notice that Express was selling everything for $20 and under. It seemed so, anyway. There were boxes and boxes of items marked down from holiday leftovers and winter layers that no one has had much of a chance to flaunt because the temperatures have been weirdly mild this year. So I found myself rummaging through these boxes for far too long, then found myself in the fitting room line 20 people deep far too long, then once more waited in a long line to pay for the items which only vaguely interested me. Some Saturday. But after Express, I darted down Lex to find the luggage store. My mom recommended a brand to me that she found before her trip to the Middle East about two years ago. I found the brand right away, and flipped the tag to see the price, which revealed such an obscene number that I immediately shrank back in terror. The sales guy standing nearby observed me a moment and said, "I will sell that to you for $129."
Huge difference in numbers. So I sort of hastily inquired about the next size up, the 29"-er, and he replied, "$149." So I took it. While these bags are substantially more affordable on the internet, I have luggage-shopped before and have some idea that the bag I bought will be worth every cent of what I paid (just not worth every cent listed on the tag as it sat there on the floor of the store!) Stores like that one in Manhattan are funny. They're cramped for space because real estate everywhere in Manhattan is so hot, even hotter right there in Midtown in the throbbing heart of shopping (on the same strip as Bloomingdale's, et cetera). And the sign out front, "Lexington Luggage", looks very much like perhaps this store was all the rage in the seventies - pale yellow with brown letters - something like that. Or maybe the signage that looks like old school is just inexpensive and therefore desired by store owners like that. Whatever, either way, I'm ready to cram that suitcase with all the necessities for a week abroad!*We're really excited. That sounds so ridiculous, like one gets really excited about a good plate of food, or about a favorite sitcom or a good day at work. We're more than really excited, but I don't know what words to use for it. Craig and I are what I would lovingly term travel nerds. We love to see new things, to learn new streets and to run our index fingers along the glossy surfaces of new maps. It's a common thread we've shared since we first met, way way back when we were just brand new to each other. We love to travel. I know many, many people share this love, too, but ours is complimentary to one another and that counts for something big when a trip like this unfolds before us. Yesterday or today Dustin (the groom-to-be), Djay, Diana, John and Liz left and are presently in England. I can't remember if John and Liz have traveled internationally before but I believe Djay and Diana have, and Dustin is a whole story of world travel in and of himself. But it will be fun to get there - we've got approximately 4 more days of preparation and then we somehow drag this monstrous suitcase and whatever other bags to work next Thursday. Our co-worker Josh is driving us to Kennedy (big thanks to Josh - he will be on the souvinir list) and we fly out at 9 p.m. - red eye, landing us at London Heathrow at 9 a.m. Friday morning London-time. Getting through these next few days will be torture. Much to do, and things to accomplish - yet, tomorrow we're going with our new friends Alison and Scott and their Chicago friends to watch the Bears in the playoffs at a bar. Well, we worked hard today to get things done, it's ok. Craig got a haircut and bought a new hot shirt and some socks. I already narrated my thrills for today. It will be so amazing. It will be so much fun.*
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