Audience, I present to you...our orange wall. Voila! It's done. Finally, after a long day (beginning with me up
before seven) scrambling to remove all of the many media items from our
ladder bookshelves, which do not appear in the photo above but will be returned to that wall,
the newly orange wall, once the paint has dried, and I made illy coffee and scrambled around and Craig slept in a little (I tried to rouse him before 8 but he said, "We don't live on a farm. We live in New York City. Work does not begin before 9 in the City."
Yes, Captain!) and our apartment has, of course, been in disarray ever since - although, as I type this, Craig endures the perfunctory task of putting our living room back into one cohesive piece. The above photo depicts our living room quite empty, which is not its usual state. Oh, and the slice of wall shown is only half of the whole wall we painted - granted, we live in Manhattan, and Manhattan apartments are small, but our place is not
that small. In fact, Craig just pointed out how
large our living room
appears (without the ladder shelves and dining room table). So, the deed is done. My secret (please, no one tell him) motivation in all of this is that we won't leave this apartment the duration of our stay in Manhattan. Honestly, the last time I lived under the same roof longer than 11 months was in St. Louis, where I lived in the same apartment for exactly 13 months. Since then it has been
go go go. And I
adore Craig and will do whatever he wishes, but with the sweat he poured today over this wall (I helped very much with the
peach [tinted] primer underneath, which is not shown, but the actual pumpkin/rust/
Chestnut Stallion (Behr's color), Craig pretty well took the lead. We only had one roller. His arm tends to be a bit stronger than mine. After the first coat we had his dad on the phone for assistance, and oh how I am glad we did that - because the wall before coat no. 2 was fit to be torn down, it was that bad - streaked, primer peering through - just
bad. But it wasn't Craig's fault - he did what he could with the dark color we selected. But now, the only flaws we must endure are minor - the kind that come along with living in such an old building and having uneven walls meet an uneven ceiling. Huge praises to Craig today for his painting abilities, and I hereby vow to never look down upon a painting contractor again, ever.*Now I need to serve up some pasta to the hungry painter.
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