Oh Christmas tree! Last night we were riding the train home together, for once (I'm always darting out of that office before Craig for one reason or another) and Craig said in a little kid voice, "Do you want to go see the tree?" I gave him my post-work grimace and said, "No, Craig, not tonight. Maybe some other time." But as we pulled to a stop at 74th/Broadway in Queens, I felt a sudden wave of miraculous Christmas festive spirit (I rarely do) and said on impulse, "Do you still want to see the tree?" His eyes lit up more sparkly than the tree itself, so we dashed off the train and headed downstairs to catch the F to Rockefeller Center. Here it is, the lovely tree, seen beneath the dancing flood light snowflakes that roll down the side of Rockefeller. We managed to capture our Christmas cards, which delighted us both. The cards will be homemade this year! - well, sort of. Anyway, it's been a while since I've been able to write. I attribute this to many things: fantastic dinner last Friday at Nina's, indescribably amazing and 5-star dinner Saturday (to be explained shortly) and a recovery Sunday from too many varieties of Champagne, wine and liquor the night before at the aforementioned 5-star joint. Monday I had class, Tuesday was the impulsive festive Christmas light-looking night (including more than just the tree and the ice skaters at Rockefeller, such things as strings of white lights on many Midtown trees) and tonight it's Wednesday, and I'm exhausted, will be cooking dinner for Craig and working toward a finished short story at least 5 pages in length, due next Monday (which has been begun, and includes three characters, Eloise, Janey and Isaac - none of whose names I'm completely sold on except maybe Eloise's, because it seems to suit her well. Janey started as Janet then turned Janey but might need to morph back to Janet.)*So, here is what happens from time to time in the adult working world: people offer gratitude in forms of food. Basically, a company Craig works closely with offered to host (sponsor, pay for) dinner at the fine dining establishment of Craig's choosing. Seeing as Craig and I are still fairly new to New York, and are absolutely rookie to the fine cuisine scene, Craig suggested that the representative in charge of the operation pick the place. And so it unfolded that we found ourselves dressed in new outfits - Craig in a suit and I in a red velvet dress with a matching piece of costume jewelry (where were the strappy heels in New York when I needed them?? All sold out, apparently, as I couldn't find any all day Saturday on my shopping excursion) and in a cab headed south to E. 61st Street. There, we were dropped at the door of Aureole (housed in an old brownstone) and Craig turned to me and said, "I don't know what's happening" which is our code for...well, it really isn't code at all. He (and I too) didn't know what was happening! We walked into the restaurant and asked for "Alex". Alex happened to be standing exactly by the hostess/host podium. When Craig then explained, "We're guests of ____," Alex smiled even more warmly than the first smile he gave us and showed us to a very nice table near the back, where Craig and I sat side by side against the wall. The sommalier came right over and presented us with a bottle of Champagne - real Champagne! From that region of France! - and we observed the very cryptic "first course" listing. I wound up ordering a salmon plate with goat cheese spread and a poached quail egg on a panini round and Craig ordered some exotic plate (a charcuterie) with sausages, pate (don't know where the ^ symbol is, which I think crowns the 'e' in pate?), prosciutto and other douses of things. Craig wasn't completely pleased with his first course, but our second courses and desserts were just unimaginably fantastic. By that point, we had ordered a bottle of wine to accompany the meal. There were short ribs as part of my dish that just literally melted off the bone as I touched my fork to them - and they tasted equally as tender. Craig, looking handsome as he ever has in a fancy new tie and brown jacket, ordered a funny triangle of differently-flavored sorbets, and I ordered a chocolate mousse concoction that was unforgettable. That was the point where I wanted to withdraw the camera from my small purse. I was denied permission (by Craig). Surely I would have looked foolish snapping photos of the gorgeously sculpted chocolate sensation that was my dessert. Finally, we cleansed our palettes with after-dinner cocktails - I had an elixir and Craig ordered a Manhattan (apropos), which may as well have walked up and kicked him in the head, it was that strong! Need I say here how fantastic it is to walk out of a place that swank having not laid a penny down? Here, a thousand times thanks to the guy who foot the bill. We had an incredible night (and we looked incredibly hot, if I never said that before!) Now accepting applications for additional fancy dinner sponsors!*The holidays approach at full speed. We're excited to see family. This weekend we fly to Cleveland to see Gordo turn 30. Sunday I attend new book club in Brooklyn. Etc., etc. - so much happening, so little time to sit and be still.
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