I'm not a politically-driven person in the least, but I must say, for this day in New York when a governor is discovered to have participated in an act of prostitution, it makes a New Yorker (or American in general) stop to think.
Who are
our leaders? as he stands astride his
wife gripping her hand and she appears ready to throw up on the floor on which they stand. Nevermind all of this, because it will only act to further my distaste for what we like to call
World Leaders.
What are they
leading?*Tonight, I gloriously post the photograph above, the snapshot I shot moments before 6.30 p.m.! The daylight is hanging on, just gripping onto the last moments of daylight. Today marked the start of Daylight Savings' time and as one might note from my enthusiasm,
my, have I been looking forward to more glimpses of light. Spring brings a bunch of really good things to me: my 31st birthday, mild temperatured dates with Craig, walks through the Park with Craig, flowers on 5th Ave and Park and Madison Aves, New York City in Spring, Craig in Spring, me in Spring! There's so much hope wrapped into Spring, and the fact that we're embarking on our second Spring in New York City, approaching our third whole year in a City which I only used to know as a stranger passing by, as it brushed my hand, winked at me seductively...the whole season is going to brim and overflow me with love for the place where we live!*In rather less fortunate news, I failed the Cajun Chicken Cakes tonight. The cakes themselves, prior to sizzling in the skillet, came together just fine: the chicken of these cakes is pre-cooked and shredded, there's just one egg, a cup of finely-chopped wheat bread, fat-free mayo, et cetera et cetera, and the shaping of "cakes" even went without a hitch. But when I lit the skillet with hot oil, ladled the cakes into the hot oil and began the occasion of sizzling the things, several "cakes" fell apart like little brats. So, Craig and I wound up with cake "messes" instead of lovely round-shaped cakes. I was so mad, but Craig didn't mind at all - he even enjoyed the Remoulade, which he would usually decline.*Whatever, kitchen...Spring is near. And with Spring brings a lot of eating out, a lot of long walks and cool air. Who will mind then that the cakes can't hold their shape!*...
I am also THRILLED that Spring is right around the corner. Shew! Made it through another LONG winter. :)
Sorry I've been MIA lately...school is wrapping up this week, so I'm looking forward to having a break to breathe and catch up.
Would ground chicken have helped hold your cakes together a little better or would they turn out like Chicken Burgers? The idea sounds really tasty...how was the flavor??
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