February 27, 2008


It's Wednesday, February 27th and I'm ecstatic to announce that I am the proud Aunt-by-Association to the new Baby Lew, named Alexander and born yesterday at the wee hours of the morning! My collection of nieces and nephews is ever-growing (through Craig's sisters, from my own family, and also through friends!) so I just keep swelling with pride at all the beautiful happy little ones being brought into the world by those that I love! I sent the Lews a stack of musical CDs I saw a couple of weeks back on Rachel Ray while I was home sick...lullaby renditions of popular rock/alternative rock bands. The Lews are music fanatics like me, so I knew they'd dig the gift. I sent them The Cure, Radiohead and The Rolling Stones - the songs are so delightful, like little lullabies with the tinkling pianos and xylophones only to the tune of such artists as I mentioned as well as U2, AC/DC, Led Zepplin, Bjork, No Doubt, and more and more! It's a radical idea and I was so happy Rachel Ray introduced me to it! Anyway, welcome Baby Lew...I was so happy to hear the news yesterday. I can't say anything to the effect of, "I couldn't think of cooler parents..." because I know a ton of super cool parents, but Roger and Mary will definitely have a hoot with this - they are so smart, inventive and amazing. I'm so happy for them! Meanwhile, my best friend from college is due this spring, and she is also blessing me with yet another nephew. This is the kind of thing that just makes me long to grab all of my friends and family and tuck us into one city so that we can all be together while these moments of grace take place. There are a lot of little ones that I'd give anything to know better. Someday we will be getting to know some little ones of our own...!*Craig is sick with whatever the rest of America has had over the past few months, and I feel awful for him, like I can't do a thing to help! He stayed home Monday and Tuesday but battled his way in this morning. He was pale much of the day - he tried to go to work too soon. Tonight, we're going to stay warm and order our favorite Authentic Sichuan Cuisine and watch America's Guilty Pleasure American Idol. He's giving me the "night off" so that I don't have to slave in the kitchen, but in actuality, it's hardly a night off at all, considering I still have to do last night's dishes, change the sheets, and gather up laundry. Thankfully we're closer to Friday than two days ago, and tomorrow is extremely busy for me, and Friday is worse, so the weekend will be here before I know it. Next vacation can't come too soon: Vermont in April...


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