We're tired a lot. In fact, it's not 9 yet on a Wednesday and Craig is asleep during some British comedy he has been so excited to see - he excused me from watching it when I explained I'd rather post. But to look at our lives (I know I complain about this often, when in actuality I should feel blessed and lucky) and realize we're out of bed before 6 each morning, out of the apartment a little after 6, and not home again after sitting in an office with no windows (cutting KB off from windows is like cutting off oxygen to the brain) until after 6 p.m., can finally and really take its toll. Now, with our new healthful routine, I hurry home before Craig, who doesn't leave the office, typically, until 6. So say I arrive home at 6, or a little after, like tonight. Walking on the streets of my neighborhood, Nano plugged into my head, walking practically right into cabs considering I am in such a major hurry to cross each intersection (a year ago I was so timid I would not near the street from the curb until the Walk Signal popped up on the crossing sign - ha! That scared girl is long gone!), I feel like a natural born New Yorker. Every New Yorker is as tired as the next and is in a Huge Hurry. So hey, at least I'm not alone, right? Anyway, so tonight, as a for instance, I came home, exercised for half an hour or 45 minutes before Craig came home, then I greeted him with a quick kiss and hug and headed across the street to drop clothes off with The Ladies (our favorite laundry place). I came back home (it's roughly 7 at this point) and began dinner, sorted through my spices in their miniature cabinet above the fridge, couldn't find fennel seeds in the madness, and I desperately needed them for this particular diet-friendly dish, gave up the search and completed dinner anyway, ate dinner with Craig (we indulged in a piece of frozen garlic bread each - yum!), then offered to clean the kitchen so he could watch his movie (slash, nap!) and by the time it's all said and done, it's 9'ish and I'm exhausted. The factors likely include my age, the summertime feel, the fact that I militantly plan and cook nearly all of our meals now, clean, exercise and try to maintain a full time job - huh! Imagine tossing babies into that mix. Right.*Above and below is pictured Vespa. Monday night we left work a little late, and somehow Sunday's grocery shopping excursion only landed me 3 nights worth of dinners: Burritos, Roasted Red Pepper Chicken and Pasta with Broccoli Rabe and Bolognese. So Craig and I commuted home together Monday and in talking decided
that we might like to have a Monday night treat of dinner out. We had eaten at Vespa once before, for Valentine's Day 07, but didn't quite experience the great pleasure we did this time around. First of all, we sat out back in their "garden" seating. The ambience was nice. The waiter was over-attentive. We ordered a "tasting" plate, of which Craig let me select the contents: balsamic mushrooms, asparagus and sun-dried tomatoes, soppresetta and cured olives. Mmmm. Then I ordered their whole wheat pasta dish with broccolini and sweet sausage and Craig ordered a creamy pasta dish with asparagus - all of their pasta is homemade, mmm. Dinner was fabulous. And we spent our time planning where to go for Christmas: Cozumel, Cabos or Puerta Vallerta. Right now we're leaning toward Cabos. It seems like we might be able to land a good deal there. I just can't wait - get out of the City, get out of real life, swim-up bars, all-inclusive food and beverages, long white beaches, hungover morning runs in the sand!, just me and my favorite person in a far away land. We're saving money so that it will be paid for up front. Sounds good.*
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