I'm definitely not in the business of posting pictures of me, Craig and our friends. I shy away from it because I don't want to be identified by anyone as the Girl Who Keeps That Boring Blog. But anyway, this particular picture I thought was quite cute of me and my friend Alison (our friend through Dustin along with her husband Scott) and I think my weight loss shows a wee bit right there in my chin and down to my arm. Alison, left of me, is a tiny girl but decided to join Weight Watchers with her husband, as well, so that they could determine themselves to lose a few pounds. I'm at just under a loss of 19 pounds and truthfully, I feel fantastic. I'm a little sore this instant from a rigorous hour with my hand weights, but fantastic, nonetheless. And tonight we even went a little crazy, for a Monday: commuted home together after I endured an intense tutorial on scheduling with my boss which lasted right until 6 o', and walking along 3rd Avenue we decided to duck into our Hallmark store for a birthday card for Hannah, who turns 5 in like two days. Well, before arriving at Hallmark we spotted Pesce Pasta, which Craig pronounces "Pesky Pasta", an unassuming neighborhood gem, evidently. He quickly connived me into going (reminding me how healthy fish is for a dieter) and we ordered a bottle of Cabernet and I ordered salmon and broccoli whereas he ordered Bass and broccoli. Clearly my salmon was swimming in Dijon/butter sauce, and my broccoli was stuffed with as many garlic cloves as one chef might have the chance to shove into a few heads of broccoli, but the whole dinner was amazing. And it was light, despite the gratuitous amount of butter I'm sure was used! The scale reminded me, when we got home, that I had just eaten a stick of butter so as of tomorrow I will be back on kitchen duty, making one of several light salads I intend to make for the weeknight meals.*Meanwhile, our weekend was just a perfect mess of eating, drinking, friends, co-workers, train rides, and plans for future trips/adventures. Our friends Alison (seen above) and Scott traveled out to Dix Hills, Long Island with us to enjoy a whole day of poolside, food, drinks, socializing and interesting sidebars, and then we all traveled back to Manhattan together in stupors on the LIRR. Sunday Craig and I had brunch at Yura (I ordered an egg white omelet and he thinks me crazy but I think him foolish for cheating on his diet by not ordering egg whites!) and we came home and watched Shooter, then I shopped for food for the week and he napped and then at night we returned to Pianos (Lower East Side) for more Jeff on drums and to meet up with Laura and Brian. Ok, admittedly, also I returned for the salmon/tuna steak sandwich that sent me into food convulsions last weekend. It was just as good if not better because I already knew I was getting myself into something unbeatable.*Many untied strings remained to be tied, regarding our next couple of months. What I do know is that football will begin to occupy my love once again for a season so possibly I will have a second to myself or two. Gotta love that cute guy I live with!*
Congrats on nearly 20 pounds! You look amazing!
thanks ab ~ i feel a lot different than before. better.
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