I know I promised I'd be back to continue the epic of our relocation, but now we're nearing the day we actually move into our real New York City apartment, and I just can't wait. I'm going to suffer through the next 4 miserable days of pure, sheer, unadulterated anticipation! New York City (while we've been here for a while already)...here we come!*In the meantime, I want to acknowledge the brilliance of my weekend. I have thought and re-thought a fair description of it, and everything that comes to mind doesn't do the experience proper justice. But allow me to begin, in sincere KB fashion, with the beginning.*Last Friday morning, Craig and I climbed into a taxi, which carried us to Penn Station, where we caught a train. Once in Newark, NJ, we boarded a monorail, which delivered us to Newark International. There we boarded a plane, which dropped us kindly at Midway in Chicago, where, and I refuse to omit this from the narrative, we crossed a concrete parking structure to our rental car, which the salesman announced to us proudly, would be a "PT Cruiser, if that [is] okay." Understandably enough, I hope, I laughed, because, seriously? They rent those things? Nevertheless, quick math calculates the sum total of five different modes of transportation in one day (an accomplishment I've been bragging about ever since!)*Craig drove for the first time in 20 days, and we arrived in my wonderful college friend's hometown of Springfield, IL right on schedule. The rehearsal would be held at the church, and rehearsal marks the beginning of what will become an infinitely hilarious new friendship between Eileen and me. Here is the backstory: Jen (the bride) and I met when we were at Indiana University together, living first in the dorms and later together in an off campus house, staying up into wee hours of the morning talking about nearly anything you might imagine the two of us would have to say to one another. One character who constantly crept into Jen's stories was Eileen (they had roomed together at Illinois State University before Jen transferred to IU). The final thesis of nearly any story involving Eileen, when told to me, was, You two would love each other, just love each other if you met each other. It so happens that Eileen was told the same regarding me anytime Jen would talk to her on the phone or see her. So, here at the rehearsal, we met for the first time ever, both of us at least into a 10-year friendship with Jen (it hit me pretty nostalgically over the weekend just how long I've known Jen, and other of my long time friends). One might wonder, How is it that two girls share one common thread (Jen) for 10 years and longer and yet never happen to meet? The only response to that is that the very only time Eileen ever turned up at IU to see Jen, I was out of town. And that's just how it went! So Eileen and I were, respectively, the matron and maid of honor for Jen's wedding. Jen wouldn't dream to choose one over the other (what an honor!) so she opted that we both act the part. And, if I may say so, we so did just that. The second we met one another we were sharing stories about each other and about Jen as if we'd been friends that whole span of 10 years and longer. So incredible, in fact, was our instant bond, that Jen's other friends and family members throughout the course of the weekend were asking, So how long have your matron and maid of honor known each other? Jen's beaming response, "Oh, about 16 hours!" Eileen and I were fascinated with each other. It came as no surprise that her husband Jerry is a die hard White Sox fan (as, so is Craig!) or that we were both terrified of giving the important reception speeches and clung to each other to compose a joint speech (despite how completely talkative and outgoing we both are!) Saturday morning I woke up wishing we hadn't all gone out after the rehearsal dinner the night before (although, that was a small group of us sans Eileen who had decided to go back to the hotel instead - good choice, Eileen) but felt so extremely excited about Jen's day. A few of us rode over to the salon together and there we learned by word of mouth that Jen's fiance had cut his forehead the night before, "rough-housing at Hooters." (Jen kept saying, Who 'rough-houses' at Hooters?) She is so tremendously laid back and easy going, she barely flinched when she found out - in fact, instead she concluded, It will make a good story later. There were 9 women standing up in Jen's party, so it was quite the ordeal, getting us all made up. I had my makeup done before my hair, and Jen cruised past at one point and glanced at me and did a doubletake; she said, (KB), is that you? Then she started laughing and saying, Oh my gosh, you don't even look like yourself! She added, I walked by and my first thought was, Huh, I wonder if that girl is in a wedding today, too! (All of this is very much because I so rarely wear makeup, of course). Eileen and I continued to bond over last minute speech composition. At some point, we posed Eileen and Jen beneath a hair product advertisement to appear just as sensual as the windblown ladies in the ad. Fun times are had when you reunite with old friends, and even more fun times are had when you unite with a friend you should have united with a decade before!*Following the hair and makeup experience, we all headed over to the church to dress and for early wedding photographs. Jen and her fiance chose not to see each other beforehand, which is my favorite way. Before dressing, it was determined that another girl's husband would go pick me up a sandwich (I was the only famished one who had failed to eat the free food at the salon, too busy talking...) from this "unbelievable" sub shop in Springfield called Monty's. I ordered a turkey salad sandwich, and committed to splitting it with Eileen, who mentioned being vaguely hungry but who could not stop talking about these Monty sandwiches. Literally, she just kept circling the subject in conversation. Finally the thing arrived, and I unwrapped it while Eileen fooled with her makeup in a compact mirror and nearby Jen pawed through what would be her silver beaded wedding purse. I took a first bite, and I'm not obsessive when it comes to sandwiches but after the first whole bite, my mouth went through a one-of-a-kind experience. I became more thoroughly captivated as I continued to eat, and when it was Eileen's bite I held it over the wrapper for her to bite into it, and Jen looked over at us and said, Can I have a bite? Before you knew it, it was three girls, hungrily attached to this sandwich by the mouth, one at a time. Jen kept insisting, Just one more bite, but she couldn't stay away for long. I'm even laughing at the memory of it - the three of us surrounding this submarine sandwich and becoming more feverish with each bite. I recall fondly, later in the afternoon Eileen held the paper bag which had formerly held the sandwich to her face and inhaled, then said wisely to me, The smell is still there.*Food actually continued to play significant roles in the day for us. But in the meantime, before I continue, I want to say, of course, that the ceremony itself was beautiful - the flowers were grandly arranged, the fiance choked up during his vows, at which point I grabbed Eileen's pinky finger and squeezed (we were making concentrated efforts not to just weep happily for Jen's marriage!) It was a Catholic mass, therefore long, but completely worth it once we got to see the looks on their faces when they spun around married to each other. More photographs following the ceremony, and a ride in the most giant party bus I've ever seen to the reception. The reception was phenomenal. Jen's parents had rented out a university auditorium lobby, but you would have never known by the tastefully decorated layers of color and theme. The picture above doesn't accurately represent the atmosphere but I wanted to include it regardless. During dinner, Jen, Eileen and I marveled at the flavor of the Ranch dressing, declaring it the Best Ranch Dressing We'd Ever Had. Jen turned to me at one point and wondered, Is there anything else I can dip in this Ranch dressing so that I can keep eating it? And the buzz of the room were the trays upon trays of arancini, which everyone kept terming "cheesy risotto balls." (I only know what they are because of my good friend AB, who has actually attempted to make them, even!) Our speech, our joint effort, was titled, 10 Things You Need to Know About Jen Before Spending the Rest of Your Life with Her, and we drew some laughter from around. We were definitely nervous, even with the help of one another! And later, there was dancing to the extreme fun sound of some St. Louis band that Jen's parents had hired. Overall, the complete picture of the weekend was unblemished (with the exception of the minor scratch across fiance Pete's forehead, of course!) And I walked away from the whole thing one new friend deeper in experience. We even got to see Craig's parents for a nice lunch the next afternoon before flying out of Chicago. I think the best way to sum it up, the weekend, my meeting of Eileen and my reunion with Jen, is that I felt ten again. I felt youthful and giddy and surprisingly funny the whole time I got to spend with them. I felt rejuvenated by like spirits. I felt happy to laugh so much. For this, keeping the best friends you meet along the way is the most significant factor, the best thing.*
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