We're closing in on a new chapter in our relationship and in our respective lives: this is the second to the last Monday we'll live in Richmond! I spent the weekend absolutely procrastinating my To Do list. Sunday morning found me without my cell phone - I lost it the night before, which is 100% the first time I've ever lost a cell phone, since becoming a cellular phone customer back in 2002. Not to worry, it's such an old phone with such a short battery life, I decided that it was just the boot I needed to drag Craig to the Sprint store to renew our contracts. He moaned and groaned but cooperated and now we've got brilliant new phones. After we returned home, he napped on the couch, and I fetched ingredients for a very basic but fantastic lasagna (I didn't ask Craig for a star rating - he'd probably have given it at least a 3!), my friend GR came knocking at our door with my old phone in her hand which I had obviously left in her apartment (which is good for the fact all of my stored numbers were still available for me to transfer). But as for my old computer, it did not get cleaned out, and as for dragging bags of clothes to Good Will, that also did not take place. Our cars did not get cleaned out. Our golf clubs, Craig's DeWalt tools, my guitar, old silverware and other kitchen conveniences that will not fit in our new kitchen did not get dragged down to the trunk of my car to take to my parents' this coming weekend. But, our closet shelves are nearly empty, which is an accomplishment all its own, because the way I see it, the less closet and storage space we need, the better. There is still one closet remaining for me to attack (which happens to contain the old computer, which will soon be out of my possession anyway) and after that, I will feel fairly positive about whatever remaining items we're hauling with us. Rather, having hauled to us. Our summer intern here in the office is taking our old futon and Craig's bed (which, separating Craig from that bed is like pulling teeth - he's reluctant to part with it because while it is only a full bed, he did spend a decent amount of money on it back when he was a young college graduate). It seems like everything, while still stressful, is finally coming together to result in a successful relocation to New York City! I've located temporary housing for us for the month of June in the Upper East Side, but of course, I have yet to see paperwork (sublease) agreement on that (as well as paperwork on our long term housing). That is beside the point. The point is this: I am having a difficult time sitting still. I'm so excited, I can barely sleep, ever. Last night I did sleep well and dreamt of writing class and art assignments. But a solid night of sleep is uncommon for me these days. I can barely focus long enough on one thing because then another thing pops up and I become distracted. I think this week will be relatively easy: some apartment work here, some apartment work there, a going away dinner with co-workers, a road trip Michigan with a pit stop in Cleveland to see our friends BG and JP, their new house, and have dinner with them before finishing the remaining couple of hours of road trip Sunday morning. We've got one way flights from Detroit Monday morning as bright and early as flying out of Detroit can get, a 35-minute layover in Atlanta, back to Richmond and then Tuesday night we drive to D.C. to see Pearl Jam on their 2006 tour. I've already located cheap one way flights to New York hypothetically for June 3rd: I wish I could express just how much delight I will feel in purchasing that ticket. Traveling to New York City and not leaving it. This is amazing and I know that Craig and I are not the first people ever to move to New York City but it feels so huge, so incredible, like such a beautiful experience that can only get better with age and discovery. The story continues...
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