April 03, 2013


I've collected far more photos and stories than I've had the capacity to share, clearly from my lack of visitation to this page. And the stories just continue to accumulate until I find myself with nowhere to stash them other than in my mind, that dark foggy zone of cluttered closet space. But these stories are there, scratched in bad handwriting on paper (figuratively) and awaiting to be told. And I post a photo above of Los Angeles sky as shot from Dodger Stadium one amazing February day in which my eyes could barely believe what they were seeing, the sky was so expansive and enormous. I would rather post so many other photos but for now, this will suffice. And for now, this post will collect a handful of things that have brought me to this elegant position I'm in today, or clumsy, depending on the moment.

Friday, March 29th of the Year of the Snake 2013 (*MY* year! Thanks, Chinese calendar!) Greg flew in to surprise me and to support me in my efforts to "open" Dodger Stadium...first game, exhibition, "The Freeway Series" between the Anaheim Angels and Dodgers. The story twists and turns down so many roads because for weeks I was led to believe I was hosting a "close friend" of his with a ticket, and a series of communication led me to believe *Greg himself* was actually coming here for this. But I couldn't get my hopes up too much, as I am very likely to do with just about anything.

So many days and roads later, Friday, March 29th arrived and Greg disappeared from radar and Niki started texting and G-chatting me like crazy. I was all...wait, Niki and I have barely spoken for months (just busy, both of us) so what was this weird ambush of communication? But nothing mathematically made sense, or rhythmically, or anythingly. And I wasn't overly concerned about meeting this "close friend" of Greg's - I just basically figured it would be some LA Dodger crazy fan, fine. I'll host that. That was my thought.

But then my office started clearing out early, like around 3 PM, and I stayed at my desk keeping the flow with Niki and it closed in on 4 and I was like, OK, I am OUT of here. Her inquiries about where I was going and when would I be meeting "Mark" became offish, like, Seriously Nik? I'm just meeting Greg's friend, no big deal, right?

Well. Turns out, in all of this, I had sent a giant email to Gale (and later forwarded to Nik) about my suspicions that Greg was coming. And Nik, out of sound good concern for my well being, sent him a Facebook message to basically be like...Ok, KB thinks you're coming, and if you're not, I want to help let her down easy so that she can enjoy her Dodger accomplishments. So that set forward in motion the conspiracy for her to distract me while he took a 5-hour flight to come attend my game with me, less than 2 days, what a fine person to do that.

I have so many more things to pen about the rare amount of awesome time we shared while he was in LA. *SO MANY.* But for now, I just wanted to post, to essentially hail to him for such a sweet, sweet, unbelievable gesture. Our world together changed this past weekend. We were slammed together harder than ever before. *AMAZING.* I love him. So very much.


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