Last Sunday I accomplished the 30-mile Multiple Sclerosis charity bike ride. It was unbelievable. I have very little inclination to attempt to describe the experience, because it washed over me like this intimate wave, this private moon. I loved it. Every second is ingrained in my memory as a heart beat. I rode the entire perimeter of Manhattan, beginning at Pier 94 and finishing at Pier 94. It felt fantastic. I raised over $1k, too. KB, nice work, and good memory to savor and carry.*After the ride (which took my friend Bento and I a mere 3 hours, including a rest stop in Inwood!) my good friend Valentino (Chris) called me. We had had a bit of a legendary Friday night together, so he wanted to let me know that he had slept from 8.30 Saturday night until 11 Sunday morning (coincidentally right as I finished my ride!) I asked him if he'd like to meet with me and Kimchi at The Frying Pan? And he agreed. So, I walked from the 53rd Street pier to 27th, Frying Pan locale, talking to my parents recapping some of the ride. The day was stunning, crisp, lovely autumn for me. I arrived at The Pan before Kim and Valentino, so I grabbed a bucket of Corona and a table. They arrived shortly thereafter, and I can't explain it...I'll never be able to accurately do justice to that moment wherein I looked over and Valentino was marching toward me followed by Kimchi and Val's roommate, my friends, coming to help me celebrate my victory as if that was the only thing they could have dreamed of doing that day. I think I actually live here now. I think I actually have found love here. Friends. I needed it forever and now it's mine.*My Kim and I have spent the past several weeks together, days and days, and she's indefinitely my BFF. She's just so amazing and brilliant and beautiful and fun. And more. I can't really do Kimchi justice here. She does this thing where she spreads her love in a giant blanket around the people she deems worthy. But she's particular, trust me. Not everyone is worthy! I'm blessed to be. There are times when we're together where we get to talking about a topic and can't stop, and then laugh and laugh until our eyes are rivers of tears. We were totally meant to meet. There's no doubt in my mind.*I want to recap so much more, but I'm juggling texting with Kim while she's in Omaha for a wedding, and beautiful weather outside that I need to go absorb and fun giddy thoughts about my neighbor downstairs that I met last night, who is now in my phone as "Downstairs Neighbor." Eeeek! I'm most definitely living life to the fullest right now. So much more to say. Soon.
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