
Today the Georgia Aquarium opened its doors to the general public. Craig and I are going to just miss our solitary opportunity to attend a private holiday gala being held there. My soon-to-be former company is hosting the event, and likely, if I asked Could Craig and I still come? I would be told Yes, of course, but the timing of our leave seriously coincides exactly with the date of the hurrah. In fact, I drive out of Atlanta on the first of the new month, and the party is on the second. Nevertheless, we can always say that we came really close to going to that party. Instead, we will take great pleasure in enjoying the remainder of our time in Atlanta. Tomorrow is the B's Thanksgiving bash. I'm naming it a bash because bash implies the raucous free-wheeling good time we're going to be having with each other, eating turkey and watching football. I've already explained the day but will return with detailed actual events once they occur. Then Saturday, I found out yesterday, we're attending a massive tailgating function at or near the Georgia Tech versus Georgia game. It's actually an all day affair, but we're going to, in attempts to maintain our decent composures, swing our presences by around three in the afternoon. I typically would not describe a tailgate as massive, but given the fact that there are nearing five hundred people who've allegedly rsvp'ed, I'm leaning on massive to really explain this thing. When Craig threw the words Bouncers, Band and Bar at me with respect to the tailgate, I'm fairly positive massive came right to mind. Anyway, whatever hours surround these two parties will be spent boxing up and throwing out. I have moved so many times in my life, honestly, why I own four laundry baskets beats me. And the idea of hanging on to a great deal of my old art assignments from college, projects such as illustrate a song in type, or advertise a Broadway musical using photography and type...what am I going to do with those other than dust them off and smirk at the memory of those assignments in the first place? In essence, Craig and I both have a vast amount of belongings we leave boxed move after move. Those are the types of things I'm trying to delete permanently. I consider myself to be so lucky to move so frequently for this reason alone: constant down-sizing. The minimalist approach to living. I think of my parents who have not left their home in an eternity (which is actually a considerably short eternity compared to lots of America, seeing as we relocated to Indiana when I was fourteen, which was fourteen years ago) and the entire collection of business and pleasure they've managed to purchase and stock and stash over time. Granted, some of their collection includes residual KB artifacts which they repeatedly plead that I box and remove from their home. Someday, I promise them I will do so. In the meantime, Craig and I need to get rid of stuff. We went area rug shopping the other day, which was a precious thing for us to do, because it constitutes joining our previously independent interior design tastes into one cohesive compromising effort. I'm lucky that Craig doesn't feel the need to buy an area rug with his college logo on it. His taste is fairly smart. But there we were, shopping for something new while getting rid of stuff. That's what is so effective about constant transfers and constant down-sizing. Pitching the old to make room for new.*We'll be pretty busy these next several days. It's stressful, it's exciting. It's delirium. I am certain I could not do it with anyone else in the world but my best friend.*The sad thing about leaving and missing out on that Aquarium party is the fact that I will not get to view the stunning beluga whale close to the glass. (I've seen him on t.v., he is magnificent!) But the Aquarium and its beluga give us reason to return to Atlanta to visit. Craig reported the sad news of missing this radical holiday-Aquarium viewing party to our new boss, and Craig then cutely asked if our new boss would, in lieu of a Christmas party, take us to a pet store and walk us down the fish aisle. He's so clever. On the upside of things, Craig's departure date has shifted ever so slightly to allow us to also see Tegan and Sara in concert before we've moved. Our social calendar is positively glowing with activity, how exciting! And now I'm off to watch Craig bake festive pumpkin pies. I think I can better help bake with my eyes than with my hands! He wears the apron in the family.
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